

you were on your way to becoming a stoner. then you decided not to. cool for you, bro. that said, there's nothing wrong w/ being a stoner. american life is awful. being stoned all the time is a fine response for many. i've long thought of weed as being halfway between an anti-depressant and a beer. yeah, i don't mind starting my day with that at all. and i'll have 2 at lunch, thanks.....


I treat it as an herb. Just a little bit helps with anxiety and stress.


Your doctor was right, cut out the bread.


"When asked if I needed a rest stop break, I responded negatively by saying, 'Oh ho, that’s a hobo no-go on the bonobo showboat.'"

Just a reminder that people who smoke weed late are among the most annoying.


Very well said
Garbby as per usual...

are Personal
whatever Floats
yer boat (but don't
Sink it) oughtta be okay.*

has Oreygone
sunk into the Sea, yet?

*but Not for the Kids

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