Its time once again for the most romance-y season of all, and The Stranger is continuing its annual tradition of publishing YOUR valentines to your shmoopy-woopy... FOR FREE.
It's time once again for the most romance-y season of all, and The Stranger is continuing its annual tradition of publishing YOUR valentines to your shmoopy-woopy... FOR FREE.

Stranger readers are slogging away and writing valentines to each other. Here are five Reader Valentines that caught our eyeballs:

We met on 12/31/20, and everyday since made you my honey. A pandemic and the pass can’t keep us apart, but far enough I don’t have to smell you fart.

All I'm thinking about as I write this valentine are your bass playin' fingers. ;) I love you and your hands very much. Love, UR Bun 4eva

Stranger ad 1998:
My Bug, thank goodness I answered your ad. Now we're married 20 years and I feel grateful for you everyday. How are we so lucky? Not luck, skill. LYL

Hey sugar, it's been 10+ years and it's still the best! You're the one I want to spend quarantine & always with. My cool boobs love your cute butts.

Dear Captain Obvious:
On the bright side of things, we got another year near each other. Let's keep walking and talking. Peace and Love, El Presidente

It's SO EASY (and thoughtful!) to send your sweet-ass-pea a love note for the entire world to see. Click here to read how.