

If there’s one person who has his finger on the pulse of the Texas voter, it’s Our Dear Charles.


I would like to believe this will change things. Of course this horror show does nothing about the gerrymandering and voter suppression so pronounced in Texas that the non-white communities who will suffer the worst in this will not even be able to vote those fuckers out.

There are all kinds of fucked up things being reported. One person walked to a 7-11 in Austin and there was a woman dead on the street. Will enough white people give a shit? Who knows. Depends on how many white people are affected. They seem to live in the parts of the cities and state as a whole that has not lost electricity. I know I'd be pretty pissed if my senator decided to go on vacation (to Mexico no less, with absolutely no irony) during this situation.


Too bad Ted Cruz hasn't made a permanent move to Cancun.


Way to turn your Blood Red State Blue, Texas voters!


Dinesh D'Souza, that paragon of virtue, opined it was a GOOD thing Cruz jetted off to Cancun, because it meant he wasn't using resources that someone else needed. Cruz himself is doubling-down on his decision, because he "wanted to be a good dad" for his two daughters, who apparently begged him to let them fly to Mexico with friends, because school had been cancelled due to the weather.

Seriously, a QAnon follower on a 76 hour meth binge couldn't make up a more cockamamie line...


Sigh. I don't know. None of this matters anymore. Integrity, hypocrisy, decency ... it feels like it's all done. Yes, Ted Cruz is rotten. His approval from Repub voters will probably just go up. They aren't even beholden to voters anymore anyway. They've got the winning combo of propaganda and gerrymandering/voter suppression. They push forward.

We can mock them, point out their ridiculousness and dishonesty. They push forward. Twitter dunks on them, Pelosi makes mean faces at them, AOC roasts them. They arm up. They push forward. They're busy preparing for the big takeover in '22 and '24.

I thought Trump would be arrested and charged by a number of states as soon as he left office? He's chilling in Florida. He didn't need to mount any credible defense against his impeachment because it doesn't matter. He attempted a coup. It's all good.

I don't even know anymore. They're getting their "militias" lined up in case the fraud fails again next time.

Enjoy your vacation, Ted.


Post, Garbby!

what a load of pent-up Anger they carry
and then pass onto their Progenies

right there's the Perfessor's Death Cult
writ LARGE. my Gawd how do we Move
Past a Reptilian mindset and (Finally!) fucking
FLOURISH? or does the Planet just give us a Toss?

so Sorry, Humanity!
you BLEW it! Better
Luck 'next' time!


The singular thing trump supporters have given the world is this always entertaining video of them quite comically shitting on Cruz to his face. I've probably watched it 20 times since it first aired.


@12 -- speaking of Moving Past a
Reptilian mindset this from the nyt:

As Israel Reopens, ‘Whoever Does Not Get Vaccinated Will Be Left Behind’

New government and business initiatives are moving toward a two-tier system for the vaccinated and unvaccinated, raising legal, moral and ethical questions.

Under a new “Green Badge” system that functions as both a carrot and a stick, the government is making leisure activities accessible only to people who are fully vaccinated or recovered starting Sunday. Two weeks later, restaurants, event halls and conferences will be allowed to operate under those rules. Customers and attendees will have to carry a certificate of vaccination with a QR code.

Israel is one of the first countries grappling in real time with a host of legal, moral and ethical questions as it tries to balance the steps toward resuming public life with sensitive issues such as public safety, discrimination, free choice and privacy.

“Getting vaccinated is a moral duty. It is part of our mutual responsibility,” said the health minister, Yuli Edelstein. He also has a new mantra: “Whoever does not get vaccinated will be left behind.”


This being The Stranger I’m kind of shocked that no one has called out the fact that you’ve confused being a masochist with being a sadist. Embarrassing for all involved. I expect better. Masochist- a person who derives sexual gratification from being subjected to physical pain or humiliation. Sadist - a person who takes pleasure in inflicting pain, punishment, or humiliation on others.

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