

"Mindy Kennings, the wife of Jeopardy! star Ken Jennings."
and now I'm befuddled too.




Didn’t David Letterman have some creepy woman that claimed to be his wife and went to far as to break into his house?


Yes, Margaret Mary Ray stalked Letterman for years; but I'm not sure what that has to do with these poison pen postcards.


Oh wait, the penny just dropped. You're suggesting the sender of these postcards may be stalking Jennings and wishing to be his wife?



Ah, the ole' "false flag" conspiracy canard.

The simpler (and therefore, according to "Occam's Razor" more likely) answer is that it's just your regular, run-of-the-mill homophobe - it's not like there's any shortage of those.


Eh, the Cupcake Royale ladies can be really lousy to their employees, amongst other things -wouldnt put it past em to seek out a little free publicity.


long-time reader dear, you have to admit that it's kind of a random thing. If I were either of the Jennings I think I'd be a bit freaked out.


@13: Dude you are thinking too small on the scope of this.. FFS. It's the spaced based Jewish lasers. They are so sophisticated that they can target specific businesses, write the cards, spoof the Jennings, and bamn.. Bob's your uncle. Put on your tinfoil hat to protect yourself from this sinister act of misdoing. What could be the next horrible chapter what people will do to drum up business and to make a buck in these trying times? I dunno.. like launch a big campaign to convince a bunch of idiots to give you money so you can fight mass fraud in the 2020 election? Oh wait someone's already done it.


@16, quite random indeed. But in my experience, trying to understand the reasons behind the acts of an insane mind is seldom a fruitful quest.


So this is what John Bailo has been up to, since the Stranger killed his "Supreme Ruler of the Universe" account. The timing works out, I believe.


It’s hard to know exactly what’s behind the mailing, other than that it’s the work of a creep with an unhealthy fixation.

Sigh. Did you think to ask a mental health professional? I haven't worked in this field for a long time so let me give you some advice: if you've read as many case files as I have of mentally ill/emotionally ill/mentally retarded people - many that suffered sexual abuse as kids, this will seem oddly familiar. The whole 'messaging' thing is pretty common among mentally ill people: they either focus on interpreting messages they think are directed at them via TV/newspaper/Safeway receipt/random paperback, or they have some sort of message they need to get to a person/group they have no association with. And don't get me started on the wide variety of sexual obsessions. I used to work with a young woman with an IQ of about 70-ish that was anally raped on a regular basis by her relatives. She'd insert mention of buttholes in the weirdest context, as in 'hey that looks like it would fit in your ass'. AND this very sweet Black woman HATED gay men as they were into...sticking things in their ass. Is she a "creep with an unhealthy fixation."? Ah this take me back, she was hilarious - she'd yell at male staff she didn't like "HEY why don't you go do some gay shit behind the building and stick that fork up your ass".

I suspect if the cultural nature of the message were reversed it would not make your paper or the author would be lauded as a hero - despite being desperately unwell. A stream of postcards sent to conservative organizations over a span of years obsessed with, oh I don't know, telling them they can only do God's work if they masturbate once a day...that sounds like something I'd read in a case file. If THAT were the case the quote I pulled would probably read "'s the work of a hero with a healthy view of sex" despite the fact they want to kill themselves when they aren't pushing masturbation.

Prediction: the left will bring back institutionalization of the mentally ill in a big way. THAT is how the homeless problem will be solved - anyone with the slightest hint of mental/cognitive disability with the 'wrong' ideas will be just....gone. Good thing Western State has plans for a new facility.


There are some serious imbeciles and nutters in this comment section.

@20 No, these letters are not being sent by Mindy Jennings, you absolute mong. The Jennings are not evangelical fire and brimstone Mormons, they're very chill. These letters are the work of a troll who hasn't discovered how use to use the internet yet lmfao.


This is the USPS equivalent of lighting a bag of dog poop on fire, ringing the door bell and running away, and it is unfortunate that this troll has caused so much disconcertion and downtime at the various businesses that he/ she/ it/ they have targeted with their hate-mongering. These may be disaffected homophobic Bible-thumping Trump supporters who should be taken out in the cornfield and probed by horny aliens. The low-tech nature of the trolling—a handwritten postcard full of anti-gay blither-blather points to a low IQ Republican like Ted Cruz or Mitch McConnell, or a frustrated Trump acolyte with a severe fanny-fetish.

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