

Even if passed, gun control laws are dead on arrival because they will be universally ignored by people with guns.


@2 Reductio ad absurdum. I lived in a Midwest city of 500,000 that passed a gun registration law. If you apply the ratio of 37% of the American people who own guns, you'll get about 185,000 people in that city with some sort of firearm.

They registered a total of 50 guns. Almost nobody complied. Almost nobody ever will.



Swiftress's @1 isn't really a logical argument. Whether gun control laws are complied with or ignored by the people isn't what makes them die, it's whether they're enforced or not. Which kind of supports @2's point, except The Professor is switching it a bit using repeal of current laws instead of passage of new ones, so not a perfect analogy but we all get what you meant: That laws against murder, rape, etc. work because they're enforced, not because people comply with them or not.

In any case, none of that matters because gun laws aren't going to change. This is just typical fascist party drumming up fear of "gubbamints commin fer mah guuuuuuuns!!!" in their base to increase donations.

Nobody's guns are going anywhere.


On, not in.


@3 I am pretty sure Seattle is seeing 100% compliance with Ordinance 124833.


I think gun control is a lost cause at this point. We should just give that one up. Conservatives, you win this one.

We need to focus on maintaining the integrity of our elections, and pushing back against Repub gerrymandering and voter suppression. We should also be shutting down all the white supremacists and right wing domestic terrorists out there. All of the holes in the system that Trump and his cronies exploited to lie, cheat, steal, and attempt a coup need to be closed. Otherwise, we are all fucked.


@5 Free ammunition.


long as we're talking about Unlimited guns we got us a White Supremicist Terrorist situation or the well-Regulated Insurrectionists I believe they go by. btw did ol' trumpfy try to have Congress' leadership murdered so's he could invoke Martial Law and hand the Election over to a 'republican' majority of State Legislatures? well yes. seems he Did.


Definitely “on Capitol Hill” and I hope the guy with all the drugs just told the cops they weren’t his and he found them in some pants he bought at Value Village.


@1 & 3,

Sure, dumbasses will ignore requirements to register their existing firearms, but requirements to license and register all new sales and users are worth implementing, even if the effectiveness of such requirements is also debatable. And sure, dumbasses will seek to avoid THOSE requirements as well by way of private sales, etc, but we can and should also seek to mitigate those efforts. Such regulations are supported by a majority (and growing) number of Americans.


@14 Good luck with that.


I'm glad to learn a suspect has been arrested in the sickening, senseless attack in the International District. There's never any excuse for such violence. Never.


@17 -- "There's never any excuse for such violence [against a Race]. Never." Correct.

and now that twat's-'is-face's no longer [FAKE] 'president,' there's vastly less Inspiration for such Hate Crimes.

can you say 'Chi-na'?
good. get to the Back
of the fawkin' line.*

*the Re-Education Camps
have a spot reserved for you!



America: Where mental health funding and treatment is disregarded and guns are distributed to anyone who has a pulse. Where suicide by gun is high, but gun lovers will say "that's their choice!" but euthanasia is forbidden, "you can't just allow someone to die!"


The Second Amendment is a cancer to this nation.


@20* -- as is overly well-parsed English
and once the law-yers got aholt of it
it was all over but the shootin'.

*I blame the nra
& Too many lawyers


@21 -- it's an


@23 -- I blame both
Dunning & Kroger

AND somebuddy's Spoilin' for some fisticuffs
unless i can't read you like a
Comic Book



your Projections surpass
themselves daily. how
on Earth do you do it?


you have Enablers?
shame on





Brent is absolutely correct.


You were in the infantry? Same here! National Guard not reg Army, but of course did my basic and AIT at Fort Benning in '91 and '92.


@20 Brent Gumbo for the WIN!!

@21: ....spoken like a true Ultra Maroon.

@46 and @48: Hey, Elmer, isn't it time for your nap?


no wonder Uranus
kicked you off


innernet: "Uranus is known as the “sideways
planet” because it rotates on its side."
well That explains it.


@50: With twolling fwends like you, Elmer, who needs enemas? vewy vewy quiet......Elmer just slid into something warm and bwown......AGAIN!

@53:......said the Ultra Maroon.


@27: You get high on being a dope, Elmer? Stop sniffing glue and inhaling BigMacs. Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son. As for your friends, how many unregistered screen names are you currently hiding behind lately on your Mom's login account?


@51 & @52 kristofarian: Yep. That would certainly explain Elmer's (Dewey's) inability to find his behind, even with both hands, a seeing eye dog, and a flashlight.
I keep warning Elmer about the current toxicity of his triglyceride level but he never listens.

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