

Republicans sure have a lot of sex problems. I blame their mothers. It's not natural for a woman to be a republican.


1 - didn't you mean to say fathers? More like selfish penis gratification than actual sex problems.


I blame the restrictive gun laws Texas is known for, preventing these people from protecting themselves.


Sex problems, Phoebe dear. The penis is just a tool.

Republican mothers are notorious for their sadistic toilet training practices.


The Right to Bot Arms
by Tom Tomorrow

@tS: Tomorrow
oughtta be Here.


Rainmist dear, the officers chose to attend an event that openly encouraged attendees to break the law by bringing firearms (which are illegal in DC). That is not only selective enforcement, it is disrespectful to their associates in the DC department.

I support good law enforcement personnel. These people are not good law enforcement personnel. They should be fired from the force.


"$326,074 to 350 [ripped off]
workers is no small change."

I make it to be nearly
1K -- half a Stimmy.
'less there's


FNFAL, I’m sorry that the education system failed you so spectacularly.

The President does not write legislation. That’s the job of Congress. President Biden issued some executive orders, which are limited in scope and only last as long as he is in power. He did his best.


Nothing in either AM or PM slogs about New Mexico ending qulified immunity in their state?!?!!? This is huge. Major step. Waiting on you WA state.


FNFAL dear, There's no need for President Biden to propose legislation. The house already passed it. It will languish in the Senate because of Republican intrangency, of course.


That twitter video (girl dancing) is disturbing. I can't decide if it's more disturbing than what we're going to hear about Matt Gaetz in the coming weeks, or not. They're both ewwwwwwww.



rainmist, it seems like both of us are partially right: Firearms are indeed allowed, although heavily regulated - so regulated that the organizers of the "rally" were indeed encouraging attendees to break the law by openly flaunting their unregistered phallic symbols.

As for law enforcement attending this sort of fascist gathering: Yes, they should be censured for it. If they want to exercise their "free speech", they can leave government employment and find work in whatever field will take them (mall security, Wal-Mart greeters, and whatnot)


Catalina Vel-DuRay wins the thread!

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