

There’s no happy ending when the terminally woke are determined to let deranged, paranoid transients live on the streets. If you locked them up where they belong they wouldn’t lose fights with police or drown in chlorine tanks.



Hey dumbass, it was right-wing yahoos like you who elected Ronald Reagan in 1980 and applauded the loudest when he and the GOP-led Senate set about gutting the mental health care system in this country. So, if you want to blame anyone for the current state of things, look no further than your older RWNJ relatives.,in%20mental%20health%20care%20policy.


@3 I was waiting for this old retort. Does that mean you’d like to reverse that policy decision and put them back away where they belong? I’m with you there. We actually agree apparently.


@6, the state funded hospital system for the mentally ill that we once had isn't something to revive.

Also, this is something which happened in Portland, which has a democrat for a mayor, in Oregon which is completely dominated by democrats (governor, both houses of the state senate, both US senators and four of five representatives). Currently the President and both houses of the US federal government are also controlled by the democrats. In what world is this the formula for people like @5, who is quite possibly a dipshit, I'll give you that one, but how is it that folks like him are the ones stripping away the safety net that would have kept this fellow from living in a park.


Granted Reagan may have pulled funding from mental care but the ACLU had already forever changed the state of mental services with their lawsuits in the 70s. You can not confine someone involuntarily now. I seriously doubt anyone on this board wants to return to the deplorable conditions of those institutions anyway. The problem still remains what do you do with people who are mentally ill but refuse treatment. For now the answer is to let their illness negatively impact them and the rest of society. Hopefully someday we wake up and come up with a better plan.


The people of Oregon have spoken and spoken soundly demanding more of the same. They’ve now even decriminalized all drugs so the junkie-homesteaders living in the hundreds of Portland bum camps can continue their lifestyle unimpeded. If you read the hilarious PDX subreddit it reads like a police blotter of stolen bikes, stolen cars, burglaries, discarded needles, sidewalk feces, and even regular assaults by zombies while riding on bike paths. Their last mayoral election was close and they almost had a mayor who wears a skirt with a portrait of Stalin on it. Nuff said.


Its too much for you to understand "Truth is Painful."

What happened to you that compassion is so far out of your reach? Abandonment? Abuse?

Help for those so impacted with mental illness and addiction is generally so far out of reach, so expensive, so much paperwork that their suffering continues. To stigmatize and belittle people dealing with poverty and illness is cowardly indeed. Yet, too far common by bullies that don't want to know better.

A humane society is sorely needed and something we must strive for everyday. A strong safety net would be a beginning. Included in the causes are greed by the very rich and corruption and stupidity.


Its too expensive for the poor to get help they need not too expensive for the selfish status quo.

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