

If America were smart, it would take the lessons learned from this past year and make major changes. Sadly, we all know America is not smart. America vilifies intelligence.

America cares only about money and the bottom line does not allow for treating human beings (resources used to make profit) humanely. No lessons will be learned. Nothing will change if and when things go back to "normal" (whatever that is). All of the loss, of life, of business, etc. - all of the loss will just be shrugged off.

After all, the wealthiest of the wealthy have made a shit ton of money during the pandemic, why would they want things to change? We all know it's going to happen again (probably worse next time) and again and again (until humanity is just....over).


If you're under-compensated working in the nightlife industry, maybe you should examine your employment choices. The economy is heating up again as people are vaccinated, maybe get a job doing something else. More jobs are out there every day.



Do you actually know anyone who works in this industry? Most of them are artists themselves: musicians, actors, singers, composers, writers, visual artists. They work in these places because they genuinely care about and enjoy what they do, can maintain a sense of connection within their communities, and engage in the sort of cross-pollicization that drives creative ingenuity.

Why does EVERYTHING have to be about making shit-tons of money? All most average people really want is a sufficient amount of income to enjoy a meaningful and productive life, even if at just a basic level - is that really too much to ask? I mean, you DO want to go out to see a band or a play or a movie or a gallery exhibition or a book reading at some point in the not-too-distant future, do you not? Especially after some 14 solid months of sitting at home consuming endless amounts of creative programming that kept you sane and distracted in the middle of a global pandemic? How do you think that's going to happen if all the artists are forced to get tech drone or "gig economy" jobs that require them to put in 50 or 60 hours a week BEFORE they have time to try and create their art? These people are already deeply immersed in a gig economy that has existed for more than a century - where do you think the "gig" in "gig economy" came from? They're not asking for a Tesla Truck with a matching pair of jet skis or a 4BR/3BA condo with a Sound view, just a decent job - that again, they actually LIKE doing - that will pay them enough to get by on and still be able to make the art YOU want to consume.


@3 Yeah fuck the fact that people WORKING want living wages and benefits! All of these industries people work in where they serve the needs of others, people don't need to do that work, they can just find other jobs! Right? Isn't that right?

I mean FFS this pandemic has shown us that we don't NEED the entertainment, restaurant, or hospitality industries. If they never come back, all of those assholes who CHOSE to work in those underpaid, underappreciated jobs can just find new, better paying jobs somewhere else! And no one will complain about it!

'Cuz god knows people haven't been screaming and crying and whining and complaining about not being able to go to brunch while nearly 600,000 have died and tens of millions have gotten sick!!! Take those low paying shit jobs and do them or just shut the fuck up and find a new job! We don't care! Right? Isn't that right!!??!!!


If those of clubgoing age would fucking step up and get vaccinated, cases would drop to where they can re-open a hell of a lot sooner. Talkin' to you, 20- and 30-somethings. And especially to the maskless mobs I saw on the beach at Golden Gardens a couple weeks ago.

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