

The dude who's consulting company works for private prisons? Also the dude who is a Durkan clone? Nah, I'm good. Hard pass.


They could see Bruce Harrell wasn’t going to cut it as a candidate, because he has a past record. This guy is just synthetic smile with a famous name. He will also fail, miserably and quickly. Also, they surmised that the more moderate candidate they throw into the race, the greater the chance at least one or two will get enough votes to survive the primary. Technical term: flood the field.


@3 That might work in the zombie apocalypse, but I'm not sure it works in a top two primary. If you have lots of moderates splitting the moderate vote, you risk having the general election be between Karl Marx and GoodSpaceGuy. OK, not quite, but you get the drift.

I'm also just not sure what Sixkiller's market is. People who love how the homelessness crisis response is going right now? That should get him ... maybe 50 votes? 35 if @1 is accurate.


Right guy, wrong election. The field is crowded with much better candidates. Not one, but two former (or current) city council members. There isn't even a political niche Sixkiller is trying to carve out. I just don't see it.

Oh, and this is just another reminder of how fucked the district system is. If he lived in Pedersen's district, I would urge him to run against him. But he doesn't -- he lives in Phinney Ridge, which means he would have to go against Strauss, who I like.


@6 I don't think its guaranteed Gonzales makes it through the primary. She never was going to be the moderate/biz choice and now that she has backtracked on defunding the progressive crowd could see her as another suit. I could easily see Jess Ferrell making it through especially with the backing of the TCC and big daddy Nick's money to go against Harrell.

I wish Sixkiller would run against Mosqueda instead. I can't believe she is pretty much unchallenged at this point. It would be good for her to at least have a moderate challenge her so she has to debate a few points rather than engaging cruise control on her way to council president next year.


For those who were wondering...yes, he is Sonny Sixkiller's son.


6 Harrell is there so Burgess doesn't have to run. Bruce is Tim's candidate in this race.

This is looking increasingly to me like a very dominant Jessyn Farrell race. I agree with #7, not apparent at all to me that Gonzalez makes it through. The Council is probably as bad ineffectual, and out of touch as I've ever seen. That's not a good place to be hailing from (now or in the past, and people seem to forget Bruce damn near lost his last race which is why he didn't run again).

Casey is a really talented and strong leader. And..this is a rough year and the natural constituency, per #5, isn't obvious here. Part of this is timing. Casey lost weeks to Jessyn in buzz and visibility. That was a mistake.

Most of Seattle is not the west of 20th part of District Three. While it's not gonna be a sea of Ari Hoffmans, I suspect we're not going to see a surging Seattle left in this election either. I would guess most of the "I'm liberal but want a functioning city too" is gonna wind up with Jessyn.

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