

Monisha Harrell, former Seattle Community Police Commission member, is currently working as Deputy Monitor for the Federal Court in monitoring SPD compliance with the ongoing 2012 federal consent decree. She is now campaigning for Bruce Harrell, the person who shepherded in a half-baked police oversight system in 2017 & then crippled what little accountability it provided by forcing the SPOG contract through in 2018 & calling those who criticized the SPOG contract "rumor mongers." Oh yeah, & Bruce is the guy that, given repeated opportunities, has no suggestions on how to get real police accountability beyond asking them to be nicer and celebrating with cops when they manage not to kill folk. Conflict of interest much?

None of our current mayoral candidates has offered a single idea on how to get police accountability. None have even reflected on the 29 people killed by SPD since John T. Williams or the many hundreds beaten & abused by SPD this last year with ONE SINGLE SPD OFFICER getting discipline beyond a "reprimand" as of today -- that officer got a "two day suspension" (likely with pay).

We need full 100% civilian oversight of investigating police misconduct, giving discipline, & setting policy. Who has the gonads to make that demand?


That AGH strategy seems straight-up illegal to me.

Even if it's technically legal, it is extremely shady.

He should publicly apologize, drop out of the race and return the vouchers. Or spend them on tiny homes, like his volunteers told unwitting voters they would be.

If The Stranger didn't agree with him politically, they would be issuing the same demand.


So Houston's campaign claims they have no one named "Tyler" working for them, but they also said on Twitter today that they do have a "Kyler" working on the campaign. Seems pretty obvious it's the same person and they know it.


Wow. That is straight up fraud. Seattle elections should reach out to every voter that turned in a voucher from
canvassers and ask if this what they actually wanted.

I’m also so sick of the hypocrisy from this campaign. They brag about their Union staff (all white) but hire subcontractors ( BIPOC) and make them work on commission? What the hell?


Wow. That is straight up fraud. Seattle elections should reach out to every voter that turned in a voucher from
canvassers and ask if this what they actually wanted.

I’m also so sick of the hypocrisy from this campaign. They brag about their Union staff (all white) but hire subcontractors ( BIPOC) and make them work on commission? What the hell?


It would appear the Kyler has been working in the office and not collecting vouchers. I wouldn't judge with the descriptions of the 3 more events here as canvassers may have seen the look on a solicited person's face and would have anticipated a question coming and no sig so they wouldn't totes explain the situation and cut them off. But as a former minimum wage worker who was paid a supplement on commission, alongside many other different workers in the same boat, I asked them to stop paying on commission. That allows situations like asking someone else to do the job for the person trained. This with taxpayer money in a highly regressive system is sketchy af and it seems like it could ruin public financing in Seattle, again.


@1 None of the candidates has commented on dealing with lack of police accountability d rampant police racism because that sole issue has decided the last 4 mayoral races. The only successful candidate to run a true police reform ticket was Murray and look how that ended. Durkan ran off police reform as a federal attorney hoping the public wouldnt notice she was hamstringing the idea from the beginning. McGinn deflected to every other topic under the sun and pretended there was no problem. Nickels was in the SPOG union's pocket. Being supportive of police accountability in Seattle has the unique effect of instantly catapulting you into one of the top two candidates, yet it galvanizes the donors (businesses, SPOG, firefighters union, developers) into donating to whomever your opponent is. So it pays to stay silent.

Honestly it looks like Houston might be another Durkan, using questionable methods to get grassroots "support" while staying quiet about any actual change he would bring to the office. It's a bad sign and hopefully the public learns more about it.


I'm sorry to hear that the Houston campaign is using questionable methods to get support for their campaign. It looked like he would address serious concerns very well such as housing for the unhoused and defund the police at least 50%. He needs to step up to this now if he wants to be a serious contender for mayor. I am not impressed with any other candidates as they are so lukewarm and Harrell is a complete sellout.

The police abuse must be addressed or the people will have to handle it.

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