

Pics of the candidate with foils unleashed, epee to epee, are demanded.

En garde!


Briefly, in the early days of slog comments an eon ago, I thought Will was Bill.


no Schlog PM?!
how DARE you.

nextime maybe invite Readers to contribute one (or two) (depending on Who) (or three) (if it's Me) (but whatever) little eye- (or eargrabbed) a functioning link, attributions with a paragraph or so or why not a page?

thank you!
you may now go back
to your interrogations. (still
using Dan's cat a Nine tails?)

will there
be PPV?


scuze me
I believe it's a

(so will audio be
available as well?)


@6 -- it didn't
fucking fit?



No it isn't. It's a magazine. Dumbass.


@9 -- you Must LISTEN to
dewey* they're Self-appointed hall
monitor cum poor study hall teacher/
gym coach In Charge of shit on Schlog

not capable of cussing
nevertheless bending over
Backwards for Authoritarity
all whilst claiming the Moral High Ground

*who doesn't quite Get
the irony in tS's Label


The Doja Cat video gave Pollysexual a steamer, and it is great to see the gay community blossoming forth. Scarecrow Video should be an essential service like food and medical, what with these loser streaming services that fail to provide many interesting films like "Possession" or "The Fabulous Baker Boys".


@12 -- see: your
'doktor' Nikolas
Van Helsing

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