

What an odd way to retract a story.


The beach in question is almost certainly the Ballard pocket beach right next to the Ballard Elks club. Since it's used by nearly everyone who rents paddleboards from Surf Ballard, I don't think it's particularly secret.


A couple of paragraphs would have sufficed.


A mountain over a molehill to be sure. In fairness, swimming out into the shipping channel from of the Ballard locks is absolutely going to alarm onlookers, regardless of her swimming ability. Not a smart move.


Contrary to all the whiners in the comment section, I enjoyed this article. It was an amusing slice-of-life story.


I heard Alex Pedersen was driving the boat that nearly hit her.


Thank you, Nathalie. And Genevieve Sawyer and Dan Strauss. That was a fun read.

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