


Maybe you don't remember or are too young to have experienced the Reagan presidency of the 1980's when conservatives essentially gutted the mental health safety net in this country. What you see on the streets today is a direct result of that legacy of privatization and de-institutionalization and leaving it up to the "invisible hand of the free market" to tackle a problem the free market is not only completely disinterested in solving, but in fact makes a great deal of money perpetuating - or did you think the billions made by the Sacklers was because they were Nth level altruists just trying to alleviate the pain and suffering of millions of your fellow citizens?


Yes, Reagan was a long time ago. But the point remains that there is now little or no place for the mentally ill to go or to get treatment, partly (largely?) due to conservatives' refusal to go along with public funding for anything except the military and drug enforcement. THAT is a direct legacy of the Reagan years. And I do continue to blame him and his merry band of family-values Nazis for some of our problems.



And yet white, ultra-right-wing, neo-confederate, racist douchebags are still trying to re-fight a war they lost 156 years ago...

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