

by the native reckonning of time in that land, I'd say it ended Wednesday, May 20, 1970 3:27:01 Zulu before it ever could truly begin


The Internet being a global entity, would we really expect its end to be heralded using the oddly exceptional US date notation?

12022021 = December 2, 2021 (US)
12022021 = 12 February 2021 (everywhere else on Earth)

But as computers and the ISO standards reckon dates using YYYYMMDD notation, 12022021 would be the in the year 1202, on the 21st day of the 20th month. I assume this is not in the past, but according to a new calendar imposed by some tyrant regime.

If we look to our past, when the Roman House of Augustus started adding months to honor its newly declared gods (Julius, Augustus), we can expect some new tyrant adding another 8 gods to the calendar (Oranius, Ivankus, Juniori, Melanium, Vulpes, to start, followed by an ever-changing list of donors and corporate sponsors). I'm not sure when the new Year Zero would be, but none of this concerns us. Our great leader will make a perfect decisions. Be Best!


I found this: That links to a soundcloud of some pretty interesting noise.


Found a sign on the Fremont bridge and found the website. Doing some digging. Anybody find something more?

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