

Raindrop considers Proud Boys "patriots. ". Big surprise.


A real patriot is the fellow who gets a parking ticket and rejoices that the system works.

Bill Vaughan


@4, Oh, wow, that was the best use of sarcasm I've ever seen, then. Really side-splittingly hilarious use of sarcasm there. I'm laughing so hard right now.


So people pay taxes to be protected from thugs such as proud boys invading their city and antifascists have to do the work. Proud boys = neo nazis. Remember WW11?

My Dad and Uncles were antifascists then who fought Hitler. The police are likely to be proud boy sympathizers.

So cowards like raindrop etc. come up with so called witty remarks with the comfort of their
keyboards. Certainly not out in the streets where the action is.

Still can't tell the difference between the left and the right???? You may have to when you can no longer keep your head in the sand.

Proud to be antifascist during this dangerous time.

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