

Wait, you think the 2012 version of Les Misérables has more of a following than the Greatest Showman?



It's always best to attend the Japanese Sword Sparring panel and demonstration to get a few tips before you attend the NFT panel.

NFT will destroy the world, after all.

It's the only thing keeping non-steel coal alive.


To be honest, though, I used to avoid comic conventions back when I was a game designer, and frequently would only show up to find artists who would do cover art for me. So @2 is correct.

Remembering when there would be entire ballrooms with 50 and 25 cent comics as far as the eye could see, with mint and collectors tables around them.


2 things: a) there are a lot of resellers hoping to help you fill your back issue needs


b) Darryl McDaniels has a very underattended table that really merits some attention!

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