

What a perfectly normal way to operate a supposedly advanced society


@3 I actually just looked at Gary on Redfin, there are tons of surprisingly nice homes on the market for $50,000 or less.

Meanwhile, Seattle is spending as much as $60,000 per person annually for temporary housing in a hotels and we have more people unsheltered than ever before, with no end in sight.

You might be on to something.


@3 Does Gary, Indiana have easily available meth and heroin?


So the Stranger is accepting of car ownership culture, but only when used as a domicile.


I like the Gary Indiana idea. Or Moses Lake. Or Granite Falls. There are any number of cheaper places to live. People move to different cities based on the cost of living all the time. And BTW, the rent in Seattle is NOT $2400. There are many listings well under that. And I would have to figure that even sharing a studio apartment would beat sharing a car.


Homelessness is no joke and I don't mean to diminish the problem. It seems to me that progressives understand the issues of homelessness about as well as Christians understand the issue of premarital sex. I would suggest getting to know some of these people and their stories on a more personal level. I have done so and you will find they don't all fit into one box. These non-solutions seem compassionate but they don't really address the heart of the issue.


@16: these non-solutions aren't coming from "progressives"; they're coming from white male reactionaries. progressives are the ones coming up with non-solutions like "just build more housing", as if the mayor can just snap their fingers and create 5K new units of social housing in anything less that 10 years.

@6: you're joking, but there's meth everywhere now, so yes. Gary has meth.


@3, 4 and How would they pay for property taxes? Do they get


@21 - their property taxes would be way below rent here or in any coastal city. They might even make some money on property appreciation.

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