

Really appreciate coverage of what’s going on in our schools! The local press has been asleep at the wheel on this one. Should be plenty to report on. The district is hemorrhaging students, teachers and enrollment/budget dollars. Board direction and oversight is…questionable. The teachers union is up for bargaining this year. Public education is crumbling across the country. We need more voters and taxpayers eyeballs on this topic.


Agreed w/ #1. Thank you. As an SPS parent, this is more information that I have received all week.


Thanks for the informaiton.


Ingraham, Cascadia and Whitman are ALL north end schools.

The board majority led by Hampson and DeWolf thought it was a good idea to remove cops from schools. Not surprised to see an uptick in violence.


@5 Right, I’ve got $20k per year per kid to burn on private school on top of saving for college and everything else that comes with raising children. Insulting working class families is not a good look.


Perhaps what truly is messy is articles stating it’s “disappointing” writing about students and staff who want to feel safe


@9 - you are forgetting the parents, who at the end of the day are responsible if their kids turn out to be trainwrecks. It is totally unfair to expect the schools to fix years of shitty parenting. It's also unfair to the kids who do give a shit to have their educations messed up by kids who were not raised to respect an education. Perhaps a minimum age of 30 to breed would go some distance towards fixing these things.


Let's do a re-wind of this article... starting with the headline.

The Seattle School District is a Disappointment!

Everything else just flows from there. From dithering, limp School Board members who come almost exclusively from the public sector... ergo group think, large wide bottomed approaches, couched in safe, feel good sound bites and spins to placate the public to massive bloated, ineffective management structures designed to appear to do much while accomplishing very little.

Then add a dysfunctional teacher's union spin to the mix and you have a real hot mess.

This is the Seattle School district... ruining one child's future a day after day.

No wonder Seattle has high, very high levels of folks sending their kids to private schools.

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