

Well said, Ava.


It’s about time the media centered student voices for this two-year COVID/education nightmare! COVID has been nothing if not offloaded consequences to our students.

@Raindrop, there’s a shortage of high quality masks in kid-sizes everywhere. It’s not just a distribution and comms problem, it’s a supply problem.


Kudos to these students. As an adult, if an employer wanted me to return to an office without N95s, HEPA filters, and CO2 monitors I'd politely suggest they take a long walk off a short pier. Kids certainly deserve no less when returning to school.


this Planet
belongs to YOU
Ava. better SEIZE it
whilst it's still (mostly) Habitable.

Good Luck!


yeah 'cause
BIG Fucking Oil's
done a MASTERfUL Job
at laying it at the Feet of the
Citizenry whilst spending fucking*
BILLION$ in a DIS-'information' cam-
Paign selling US Down the damd River

and now we have California burning up
and Colorado with a twelve-month
Fire Season and Floodiing &
Biblical Scale Climate
fucking DISASTER
every time we
turn around


yeah let us
not blame

turns out
WE are the
Fools. Good Luck Ava.

WANT it.


From SPS (do following the bouncing ball):

Schools Closed

Chief Sealth International High School January 14
Read more on the Chief Sealth website

Cleveland High School January 13-14
Read more on the Cleveland website

Interagency January 14
Read more on the Interagency website

Lincoln High School January 13-14
Read more on the Lincoln website

Please note, all Skills Center classes are continuing as planned at this time.

Remote Learning

Aki Kurose Middle School January 13-21

Aki Kurose Middle School shifted to remote learning on Thursday, January 13. In-person learning is expected to resume on Monday, January 24.
Read more on the Aki Kurose website

Broadview-Thomson – Elementary Students Only January 14-21

Broadview-Thomson K-8 shifted to remote learning on Friday, January 14 for elementary students. Students in 6th – 8th grade will continue in person. In-person learning is expected to resume on Monday, January 24.
Read more on the Broadview-Thomson website

Franklin High School January 12-17

Franklin High School shifted to remote learning on Wednesday, January 12. In-person learning will resume Tuesday, January 18.
Read more on the Franklin website

Lowell Elementary School January 12-19

Lowell Elementary School shifted to remote learning on Wednesday, January 12. The earliest in-person learning can resume is Thursday, January 20.
Read more on the Lowell website

Mercer Middle School January 14-21

Mercer Middle School shifted to remote learning on Friday, January 14. In-person learning is expected to resume on Monday, January 24.
Read more on the Mercer website

Meany Middle School January 14-21

Meany Middle School shifted to remote learning on Friday, January 14. In-person learning is expected to resume on Monday, January 24.
Read more on the Meany website

Olympic Hills Elementary January 14-21

Olympic Hills Elementary shifted to remote learning on Friday, January 14. In-person learning is expected to resume on Monday, January 24.
Read more on the Olympic Hills website

South Shore PreK-8 January 13-21

South Shore PreK-8 shifted to remote learning on Thursday, January 13. In-person learning is expected to resume on Monday, January 24.
Read more on the South Shore website

They can't get those masks fast enough. I saw a comment on Facebook from a woman who is a sub but she couldn't go sub at one school because her kids' school was closed. In Oklahoma, any 18-year old with a high school diploma and a background check can sub.

Not good.


Let's see this for what it is. The Stranger weilding children as a tool to promote their mask cult mindset. Pathetic.

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