

Here in sanity land we refer to cancel culture as being fired from your job because of your poor behavior


re TOO LOUD Sea gulls:
mightn’t they mic the birds
and Reverse the signal?

re: Put-in

re: boeing
boeing gone:
Until America Inc. [llc] in-
Cludes WE the PEEPS as thee
Most IMPORTANT Stake-Holders

Downhill is gonna be our Preferred destination.*

Choe’s a’goin’ to head Trumpf’s
Ministry of Propaganda
trumpfy’s USSC Chief CHIEF ‘Justice’
with a SUPER-Majority
All his Own

“republican’s” are
Playing for Keeps

will Dems EVER catch up?
stay tuned

*too soon?

with Apologies
to crash victims’
friends and families


Um, no. There is no similarity between the 737-800 crash in China and the earlier crashes of the 737-Max. Both the Max crashes were soon after takeoff, relatively low altitude, with repeated pogoing up and down (due to the fucked up sensor/software). The China 737 was a different model with different software and flight characteristics. It had been in the air for quite some time and was flying at its normal cruising altitude before falling out of the sky for no known reason (yet). Obviously something went wrong, but it is nothing like the 2 Max crashes.


perhaps @3:
from my tS post
on 3/21/22 at 5:07 AM

Still Unsafe At Any Altitude

Boeing whistleblower, Ed Pierson, joins us to talk about the report he wrote entitled “Boeing 737 MAX – How Is It Really Going?” that paints a troubling picture of current problems with the notorious plane that includes reports of 43 malfunctions and onboard failures and six flights where U.S. pilots declared emergencies.

--Ralph Nader*
March 12, 2022

"Obviously the [MCAS] software has gained all the attention because it was covered up, and the pilot training was also not there.

But my point all along has been that there’s evidence of production quality issues…And in my reports I showed that production in fact did play a role in these crashes."
--Boeing whistleblower Ed Pierson

he's saying boeing's Culture
And Work Environment
were Poisonous
Endemic if
you will.

is THAT any Way
to Build an

*yeah you may Hate the messenger
but That don’t make him Wrong


oh and pardon my Pessimism
but McMitch KkKonnell'll
NEVER seat a 'Lib' on
His the Hightest Court
in OUR Land. it Just
(somehow) ain't
IN 'im.

nevermind the Stone, carved
in letters Six Feet High!
over the Entrance to
such a Hallowed*
Site of Our De-
mocracy (and
in ALL Caps):


hell he put Amy 'Covid' Barrett
on that very same Court just
SIX D A Y S before the Big
Election -- something
he Hisslef deemed
any 'Democrat'
President to

now some might say

'but it's merely Aspirational!'
obviously they're quite
Happy with the Status
Quo but to Hell with
that shite. Dems
better Grow a
pair if we're
ever gonna
Keep this

*hollowed out by
the Olde Cynic His-
self, more accurately


Don't get too comfy, Chase:

"We might see a small bump in terms of cases, and that’s probably among individuals who were neither vaccinated nor exposed to the virus before."

I live in Europe, and everyone I know who has caught Covid-19 Omicron has been fully vaxed and boosted. And that's nearly everyone I know. These people are normally so careful that in two years they managed to elude infection until now. Most of them caught it because they decided, what with the relaxed restrictions, that it was finally OK to go to a a bar for drinks with friends.

That said, they're all fine so far, with a week-long flu and quarantine as their penance.


@9 Quelle horreur!


I don't know if this is a Stranger vs major media thing but the real cAnCeL GrIeVaNcE motherland is substack not patreon


@8 good lord that's some big boomer energy


Huzzah for the Eel Grass & Kelp bed protections. I don't know what the threat to them was, but OK. Give me more of that.


@13, remind me when Judge Jackson rioted and burned down her own community? I must have missed that story when it happened.

(You're a racist piece of shit, is what I'm saying)

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