Sports Aug 26, 2024 at 6:12 pm

Last Night, in a Flurry of Skydivers and Flames, Lumen Field Celebrated Megan Rapinoe's 11-Year Career

The Queen and her subjects. Billie Winter



“But just know
that every time I look
at that number, I’m gonna see you.

I’m gonna see
every pride flag,
and every trans flag,
and every Black Lives Matter flag,
and every equal pay flag, and every ‘Fuck Portland’ flag.

And I’m gonna
see purple hair
and pink hair and
a short stint of blue hair.
And I’m gonna see families
that I feel like I grew up with….

So just know
that when you’re
looking up and thinking
about me, I’m looking up and
thinking about all of you, and all of
the incredible moments that we shared.”

--Megan Fucking Rapinoe

how on Earth did
we Get so fucking Lucky?

Thank You,
Megan! perhaps
there may yet be another
Role out there, somewhere, for you?

(that is:
IF eltrumpfster
doesn't somehow
manage to Steal the
Next one and Outlaw
Life, as we now know it).

Good one,


What a speech! She's a legend in more ways than one.


Hannah, when you write ‘Someone should tell all the people wearing “Everyone Watches Women’s Sports” T-shirts’, it’s clear it’s the actual journalist that needs to better understand the history of underinvestment, discrimination and exclusion of women in “sports”. I mean have you listened to Rapinoe?

If you want to focus on soccer/football alone, you could start with the 1921 FA Ban, Dick Kerr Ladies, when the men started playing in the World Cup and Olympics and when the women “were allowed”. Take a look at who the coach was for the 1985 US women’s national team (who you think are cute), how many of the players came from Seattle, and the Sounders link and why very few people know any of that despite being a “huge soccer city”. Love the article headline, but you could do all of us a ton more service, by doing some basic due diligence in reporting about the women’s game. If you haven’t already, hit up Rough and Tumble in Ballard. You’ll love it once you scratch the surface.


Who invited Christine Gregoire? She's fucking terrible.


Kaepernick was also one of the video well wishers, and that impressed me more than anything.

I spotted Dow Constantine at the Looking Out Foundation pre game event under the Hawks nest, milling about almost anonymously and schmoozing with Sounders (and I suppose now, also Reign) majority owner (or maybe it was the other way around), who referred to him as "King County council chair" before being corrected.

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