Fat Ham

(THEATER) I can’t tell you everything I want to tell you about Fat Ham. Maybe that James Ijames’s critically acclaimed adaptation of Hamlet—which moves the tragic story to a modern-day Southern family barbecue—won the 2022 Pulitzer Prize for Drama and was nominated for five Tonys is enough to convince you to see it. But if you, like me, never cultivated a deep love of—or even minor appreciation for—Shakespeare’s work then you, like me, might assume it’s not your ~vibe~. But dismissing Fat Ham would mean missing the emotional karaoke scene that melted my bitter Gen X heart into a puddle of weepy empathy for Juicy, the queer Black Hamlet of the story (powerfully portrayed by Taj E.M. Burroughs). You'd also miss hilarious performances from Chip Sherman (one-half of local drag duo LüChi) and Felicia V. Loud (of Seattle's own Black Stax). Worst of all, not seeing Fat Ham would mean not crying joyful tears when [redacted] struts onstage wearing a [redacted], launching the play into a [redacted] filled with [redacted] and [redacted]. (No spoilers!) Roll your eyes at Shakespeare all you want, but do not miss Fat Ham. (Bagley Wright Theater, 155 Mercer St, multiple showtimes through May 12, $20-$105) MEGAN SELING


Radio Noise Collective with Maria Thrän

(MUSIC) Radio Noise Collective is a Nantes, France-based project that taps into local airwaves to "decode the universe through a symphony of radio hacking" while unraveling the "hidden dance of electromagnetic waves." Because they consider themselves an "evolutive open collective," anyone can bring a radio device to participate in the performance. Does that sound too complicated? Fear not! The show will kick off with an introduction and instructional session in which the collective will guide you with ideas and techniques. They will be joined by Seattle-based interdisciplinary artist Maria Thräm for a performance of her improvisational piano piece entitled, Hi, You’ve Reached The Mailbox of Maria. Thanks for Calling, Please Leave a Message and I Will Call You Back. (Good Shepherd Center/Chapel Performance Space, 4649 Sunnyside Ave N, 8 pm, $5-$20 suggested donation, all ages) AUDREY VANN


FKK by Lavinia Vago

(PERFORMANCE) Set within the historic industrial surroundings of the Georgetown Steam Plant, Lavinia Vago's FKK is an immersive performance where "kittenish foolhardy experimental dreamscapes and physical machineries surrender reality." Devised by a laundry list of local and international guest artists, the performance was "founded upon the demonic and angelic spirits that inhabit underground dance floors" and features "ethereal cathartic painting that traces time." If it sounds like I'm not completely sure what this performance is... you'd be right. But it sounds cool as hell, yeah? Lavinia Vago self-describes as an Italian dance freak with "a hypermobile body and A LOT of energy to share with you," so I'm excited. (Georgetown Steam Plant, 6605 13th Ave S, Fri-Sat May 3-4, $20-$50, 18+) LINDSAY COSTELLO


The 2024 Undisputable Geniuses of Comedy!

(COMEDY) It's not often that you'll find crowd favorites like "openly transgender, obviously Asian, and usually hungry" Juno Men, basketball player-turned-comic Monica Nevi, and trans comedian and Dave Chappelle repellent Andy Iwancio together, cracking funnies on the same stage. The Pacific Northwest's knee-slappin' legends will bring the laughs alongside hilarious up-and-comers with a night of improv and stand-up hosted by one-time Last Comic Standing contestant Emmett Montgomery. Best part? It's presented by The Stranger—and if anyone can put together a comedy show, it's us. (SIFF Cinema Egyptian, 805 E Pine St, 8 pm, $25, 18+) LINDSAY COSTELLO


Fogón's 2nd Annual Cinco de Mayo Block Party

(FOOD) With its vibrant interior and a glimpse of the tortilla-making action up front, the Michoacán family-owned cantina Fogón has long been a beloved Capitol Hill staple. Longtime fans may even recall the restaurant’s cameo on the fourth season of Love Is Blind, where it was chosen as a group dining destination. If you’d like to party like a Netflix reality show cast member, the bustling spot is hosting its second annual Cinco de Mayo block party on Sunday, complete with live mariachi music, a market with Latinx vendors and artists, and a drag show with performers Viktor, Kameron Michelle, and Victoria Amoré, hosted by Drag Latina season two star Queen Andrew Scott. Fogón and La Chingona Taqueria will sling tasty food and drinks. (Fogón Cocina Mexicana, 600 E Pine St, noon-9 pm, free, all ages) JULIANNE BELL


Uncropped with Tricia Romano

(FILM) Former Stranger editor-in-chief Tricia Romano, who recently penned The Freaks Came Out to Write: The Definitive History of the Village Voice, the Radical Paper That Changed American Culture, will offer an in-person Q&A session at this screening of the Wes Anderson-produced documentary Uncropped. The flick follows "legendary" Village Voice photojournalist James Hamilton, whose subjects included everyone from Hitchcock and Meryl Streep to LL Cool J. Hamilton reflects on the coolest collaborators and most notable images of his 40-year career, which spanned New York City's "heyday" of alternative print media. (Grand Illusion, 1403 NE 50th St, 7 pm, $8-$11) LINDSAY COSTELLO


旅する猫たちの原画展: The Travel Cats By Mari Ichimasu

This cat's name is Chowder. MARI ICHIMASU/Courtesy of Seattle Japanese Garden

(VISUAL ART) The Seattle Japanese Garden is already a tranquil sanctuary and a solid place to refill your creative cup, but do you know what would make it even better? Original watercolor paintings of cats wearing backpacks. Japan-born, Seattle-based artist Mari Ichimasu will present her signature series, Fur Coats and Backpacks; The Travel Cats, during the garden's lushest season. Visitors can participate in a "commemorative original stamp rally" and are welcome to bring their sketchbooks to draw inspiration from the on-the-go kitties. (Seattle Japanese Garden, open Tues-Sun, 1075 Lake Washington Blvd E, free-$10, all ages) LINDSAY COSTELLO

:zap: Prizefight! :zap:

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