Summer Issue 2024 Jul 16, 2024 at 4:00 am

Why You Should Give a Shit About the Mariners This Summer

Hot dogs from heaven: Everything you need *and* deserve. James Yates



At the time of this posting, the M’s have frittered away that 8 game lead - they now lead a woeful American League West by a single game (over the hated cheaters from Houston). And why has their lead evaporated, because their billionaire owners only care about making money (M’s were the most profitable team in all of MLB last year yet somehow are claiming poverty, leading to a slew of salary dumps and picking up spare parts to fill the void).

I could bore you with statistics - suffice to say they are either the worst or bottom 3-4 in every offensive category (grouped with teams who are literally tanking their seasons). If it wasn’t for a World Series caliber pitching rotation, this team would be unwatchable.

If you truly care about baseball, send a message to this cheap, greedy organization and stay away (the only thing they seem to understand is money - as such, withholding your money is one of your best options to send a message). Feel free to enjoy them on the radio (it’s free and entertaining) but please don’t support Root Sports (which is wholly owned by M’s ownership).

The people of this city provides a world class venue for this team (at tax payer expense), the least they could do is spend our money on a decent offense.

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