
Women don't want to be grabbed in any sense of the word.
I thought we'd established that the proper response is something along the lines of "ya can't grab THIS" with a picture of a saucy and pugnacious feline
Touch Not the Cat Bot a Glove
Figurative, metaphorical; take your pick.
Are these complaining gals ignorant or just so damn prickly and humorless that they are incapable of understanding human communication?
Funny how Womyn! are so Awesome etc etc etc but have such teeny tiny fragile egos.
"Grab her by the brain." Just sounds like the beginning of a mind control rape fanfic starring Professor X.
No attention grabbing either.
I read the phrase "Grab them by the Brain" as a form of engaging with women intellectually. It's a way of saying instead of assaulting women physically, try talking to them instead. Did I interpret this all wrong?
I guess if you were a zombie you could wear that.
@10: You got it right. But I think the author's point is that any talk of "grabbing" is repellent for some women even if it's part of a well-intentioned message.
Is not "keep your hands to yourself" rule #1 that everyone boy and girl learned day one in kindergarten? Nursery school? Oh yeah, the ruhpubl'kin goal is to totally de-fund all forms of education for anyone so they never learned that. Conveniently enough.
this issue sure has grabbed women's attention.
@1 The interesting thing to me about illiteracy in the use of "literally" where it is not meant is that you can (roughly) date when the comment was made and approximate the age of the person saying/writing it. As an example, my wholly anecdotal estimate for when people began saying "could care less" (when they mean the opposite) is sometime in the late 1970s, early 80s. So when I hear it said there's a very good chance the person saying it is under about 50 years old. Just so, when someone says "literally" to mean something that isn't, in fact, precise accurate or true, there is a very good chance that person is what we'd call a millennial.

But there is little point in complaining. Some olde tyme Usenet wag once commented that English is about as pure as a crib house whore; it's been known to follow other languages down dark alleys, beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for vocabulary.
@6: "Funny how Womyn! are so Awesome etc etc etc but have such teeny tiny fragile egos."
You just described Orange Man to a T (except for the "Womyn" bit).
If only there were some alternative.
@10: I agree that's what they were going for, but one would think "grab her by the mind" would be a better phrase. To make one think of innocuous terms like "attention-grabbing" and not fingers-in-brain-folds. My first reaction to "grab her by the brain" was "ew."

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