The Last Word Jun 1, 2023 at 11:15 am

The New Odyssey-Themed Cocktail Bar Completes the Literary Arc with a Wine-Dark Drink That’s More Refreshing Than You’d Think

The Dark Sea is made of everything. Meg van Huygen



I always feel compelled to say, Meg van Huygen is a civic treasure. The Stranger is lucky to have her.

I was looking at the photo of The Dark Sea and reading the basic description, and my first thought was, "Looks lovely, but not really motivated to try it." Then I go and read the rest of what Meg has to write about this cocktail, and now I'm, like, "OK, I do want to try this now." And when I do, I will definitely not be wasting the mint, although I would want to drink some before I start mixing it in.

Some real cocktail review poetry here: "And in fact, the Dark Sea seemed more fernet-forward the first time I ordered it, but the second round was super ginger-juiced, which I was way into."


your titled cocktail
reminded me of
an Al Stewart

the Dark and Rolling Sea


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