

Er, can you get close enough to see if the no parking signs are still there and what they say?


Seems a bit weird to think of a single-story building "collapsing", but I guess if you whack anything hard enough with a backhoe it's going to send chunks a-flying.


Wait. A building collapses, falls toward a public street, damaging numerous cars and nearly hitting pedestrians... and the cops still hadn't bothered to show up more than an hour later?

Way to go SPD. Wankers.


@4: Cut them some slack. The East Precinct is three whole blocks away.


And yet 2, 110-story buildings (after chaotic impacts from jet airliners) and 1, 47-story building (after scattered spot fires had burned for a few hours) collapsed vertically--free-fell--into their foundational footprints. Man, that jet fuel must really be something . . . like more than kerosene . . . which it is. They shoulda just hit that Capitol HIll building with some jet fuel Molatavs. I mean.

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