

Feel better now?


Seattle bed wetters gonna wet their beds.


"Former writer Trent Moorman was so curious about the pilots' sexual proclivities that he decided to call the Air Force and ask for their spokesperson Lt. Amber Lynn Daniel, which turned into one of this blog's best interviews ever."

Blue Angels are Navy... Not "Air Force." Dip shit.

If Trent really called the "Air Force" for comment on Navy fliers... He's probably too stupid to breath unassisted. If that was your own little fuck up, I have to wonder, did you dress yourself this morning?

Oh... And the B-17 was United State Army Corps and then the United States Army Air Force... again, NOT the Navy (or even the United States Air Force)

And... The B-52 was US Air Force and NASA... NOT Navy.

Also... These aircraft went out of production in 1945 and 1962 respectively. Implying Trent must have raided his grandfather's porn stash... That's just nasty. He clearly needs to put on his big boy pants and learn to download his own porn.


You forgot war children and similar refugees.

Granted, the war children I worked with were giants with throats that had been cut and bullet scars, but I’m sure they took a few missiles to the dome as well.

I know a Serb and an Iraqi. I know the Iraqi’s story(published author over there, and I’m pretty sure I’m mirrored in his most recent work) - escaping the regime to live in refugee camps, hearing all of the things that happen in refugee camps, even the “golden” ones, how they were paid a stipend to go into town until some men stirred up trouble, his having learned some English earning him a ticket to America when the soldiers showed up and interviewed people - but I know he isn’t missing any limbs, or anything. The Serb chats with a Bosnian woman, so I’m pretty sure he survived the bombings as well.

You’re slipping, Black. Think of the aeroplanes and all of the bombs they dropped on these poor naturalized American citizens, and shape up.

But yes, we are quite benevolent, as far as empires go. I guess the best way to rule is to not let it be known that you rule at all.

Aaand there’s this thing called the F35.

It’s crazy the shit you’ll see out in the Sound, from kids with a .50 caliber machine gun mounted on the front of their boats barking orders at you and absolutely failing to intimidate you, to unpainted little miniature aircraft carriers, to big happy snuggly aircraft carriers whose crews are not children trying to intimidate you.


The four years I lived in Mt. Baker was always a bit livelier in early Augest. I definitely loved the visit by the Blue Angels... like an Independence Day pt. 2.

My cats hated it though. They hid under the bed until the next morning...but honestly, they were fine after that.


@5 Your cats are pussies too?


@7 Sorry, but you would need a pair of balls and a dick to do that. Now scuttle back under the bed.


@10 Wet your bed did you? Try Depends next time they fly over.


Just trying to hold Lester to (what I’m sure are) his own very high journalistic standards...


And frankly... As much as I enjoy watching those jets fly, I think they would be put to much better use blowing shit up. There’s a lot of shit in this world that needs blowing up.


So...... Lester and The Stranger wrote the annual, mandatory, "I Don't Like This" article. Good job.


i find the neighborhood 4th of July fireworks more problematic for cats than the Blue Angles.


Using someone that experienced sexual harassment in the workplace as the punchline of a joke even if the phone prank didn't happen is low class bullshit.


Mr. Vel-DuRay and I live directly under the Blue Angels flight path. During our time at Maison Vel--DuRay, we have had five dogs, two cats, housed an Iraq War veteran with PTSD, and currently are hosting Mr. Vel-DuRay's 94 year old, Soviet Concentration Camp survivor, grandmother. Only one of the dogs ever gave a damn, and I actually think he enjoyed it. The cats regarded it with disdain, and the humans go back and forth between mild annoyance and gawking amazement.

It's one weekend a year. They don't even close I-90 anymore. Relax and enjoy the show.


You crazy kids!


Hydroplanes are awesome and that's all there is too it. As a kid it was Chip Hanauer, then Jim Zorn, in that order.


Local blog "writer" with a terminal case of Hipster Manbun hates the military, what a big surprise.


For those of us whose testosterone levels haven't been blunted by years of drug abuse (Lester) or humanities courses (Rich), the Blue Angels aren't a draw because of their potential lethality. Rather, it's a chance to celebrate the highest echelons of modern engineering and human skill. No different than watching athletes and space shuttles.


I stopped reading when the reporter dragged us through his over the top sexual fantasies at the expense of women. Okay - maybe that's the hallmark of the Stranger journalism, but it gets old and detracts from the fine writing I know you are capable of.

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