Zeitgeist, the king of the coffee game in Pioneer Square. ELIZABETH CROOK



Yes, the Allegro is nice, but somehow you left Cafe Solstice off the list in the U District. This was the location of the Eigerwand Coffee House from back in the 1960's and possibly even before. Tim Leary came there after giving a speech at UW in 1967. It was the predecessor of The Last Exit On Brooklyn. That place has so much coffee house vibe soaked into it, it will be radiating coffee long after the building is torn down.

If you're looking for overpriced frou-frou coffee drinks with a wine-bar vibe, look elsewhere. If you just want a great latte, this is the place.

BTW, since when is 800 E Denny in West Seattle? Check the link for Sound & Fog.


Under GREENWOOD/PHINNEY, can't miss Monkey Grind Espresso Bar on 85th. Neighborhood institution that's been there for 20 years now. Great coffee. Great food. Nice community feel. And they've done well the last couple years at keeping the prices from going up too much compared to other places.


A customer


It would be nice if there were more options for early risers, many of these places don’t open until 7 or 8 which make them non-options for some of us unfortunately.


Solstice on the Ave. Best coffee in the area and it's not even close.


How does Cafe Fiore not make the list (or are they all gone)? I know the one in Ballard/Crown Hill burned down. But there was one in the middle of Ballard and also one in West Seattle. Vivace, Victrola, and Zeitgeist were my favorites when I lived in Seattle. Top Pot, too.

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