Blogs Feb 27, 2013 at 3:36 pm


That is amazing. Thanks for sharing, Dom.
Nepotism or not, I love these. Thanks.
Gah! Doesn't ANYBODY in this town have the decency to stand naked on their balcony?
I didn't realize that reporter Dom Holden was related to DJ/photographer Michael Holden. I r smrt.

What's next? I suppose you're going to tell me that your father is also a semi-well-known Seattle figure?
I love the Gasworks Park one. I stood up on that peculiar mound on a dreary day in November trying to capture the feeling that is right there in his image.
#5, at the end of August I'm always at Burning Man, so is it cool if we schedule the "everyone naked on their porch" shoot for the Loud Boats weekend?

Srsly, glad y'all dig 'em. If you know of a great place to shoot, or can get me onto the roof of any tall building or structure (bridge, crane, water tower etc) hit me up at -- my camera bag is always packed and ready to go.
#4, I should certainly hope so! (Cornichon just is my stage name, my nom de blog, as it were.) And there's even a third Holden brother, Dave, who toils in Hollywood, writing TV sitcoms.
I'm the black sheep: the only person in this family that isn't a fucking writer.
@5, naw, man, if the ladies are going to be standing outside I want it to be cold.

@7, I recommend the Jefferson Park Lawn Bowling Club, which has a commanding view of the entire industrial area, downtown beyond, and the bay and the islands and mountains beyond that. Best view in Seattle. If you took it during the day you might catch the Samoans playing 20-a-side cricket in the field below. They won't let you on the greens, but you could set up on the other side of the (short) fence and not be in anybody's way.
Damn, these pictures make me miss Seattle.
#10 -- great suggestion! I know exactly where that is, never thought of it as a shoot location.

Of course, what I really want is for someone to say "I have the keys to the tower, meet me out front at midnight and I'll take you up".
Wow. Great photos!
@3 Fnarf, if you look in my office window, you can see my breasts mashed against the window.

@9 Homeland Chile, you've picked work that may earn less money than writing. Thanks for the pics, though; they are lovely and fun.
The quality is amazing...zoom in all the way on the Gasworks shot and you can see reflections in the windows. Nice work, Homemade Chilly.
@15, I haven't found 'em yet, but I'll spend the rest of my life trying.
Argh. Homesick now.
It looks like I'm not the only person who gets homesick looking at these. Thanks for sharing them.

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