
What great information, Mr Fan. I just got finished with attending Goldie's Preschool Bible Class, and now you are explaining the weather! Will the next Slog post be a glass of milk with cookies? or will it be nap time?
More like 1/4 done here in Colorado. March can still be pretty wintry.
Thank God. People with SAD rejoice!
Yay! Break out the sunscreen and tank tops!
Always the major psychological turning point for me. Fortunately it's just before Christmas, and I get just enough energy to do something half-assed for family and friends. And even though the days won't really be getting noticeably longer for almost two more months, the knowledge that they are is a big help. Where's balderdash, anyway? I enjoyed his comments, and he hasn't checked in since mid-summer.

Cheers to everybody else dragging themselves through this part of the year.
Nasty weather, like nasty people, has a way of clearing out and making everyone happy!
Boooooo, sunshine!
Happy saturnalia, Slog!

At last the long journey back from Ice Station Zebra...
It's always a psychological boost to me to get past Dec. 21st. Granted we can get some nasty weather in Jan. and Feb. (remember that ice storm in Jan. '90?) It's all good, I tell myself, I'll be mowing the grass by April.
It'll be a very LONG time before I forget this particular solstice - because being without power for 34 hours (and toughing it out) is a memorable experience. Now, back to my hot coffee.

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