
Kelly dear, those trees just went up in the lobby of the Olympic last weekend, and can be purchased for $2500 each, with the proceeds going to Seattle Children's Autism Center, and uncompensated care at Children's Hospital. It's a grand old tradition that predates even my years there. I believe it might have been started by the late Mary Gates, mother of Bill, and one of the nicest, most philantropic people to ever live in Seattle - and that was before her offspring struck it rich.
@1 My last paragraph didn't go up, unfortunately, with the post, right at first...

Everything you say x100!
And here's a link to donate to Seattle Children's Foundation, directly online:…
All your America is belong to Canada
WTF, Will @4?

Are you off your meds or something? Most of your posts lately aren't even coherent. Not just your usual annoying bullshit, but sinking into random word generation. You can't be a successful troll if nobody can even understand what the fuck you're talking about.
@1 Mrs. Vel-Duray for Mayor. A true civil servant.

Also, nice piece, Kelly O.
@1 Mrs. Vel-Duray for Mayor. The height of civil service.

Also, nice piece, Kelly O.
Oh now, don't make me blush. After all, it's just me and the stove... In any event, I didn't mean to take away from our dear Kelly's charming narrative. I have just always enjoyed that particular event, and wanted to make sure people knew about it. Back in the day, I was in charge of the Olympic Hotel's Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony, which was a very nice, community-minded event that I always managed to be horrible hungover for.
Maybe the owners of the Olympic Hotel could just donate the money to the group in the first place and keep Christmas under wraps until after Thanksgiving?
Cato dear, you would have to speak to the Children's Hospital Guild about that. The trees belong to them, and are just displayed in the hotel. Besides, hotel owners would sell their own mother if they thought they could make a buck.

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