
but where will we put all the tiny homeless houses if we put buildings on our few remaining parking lots?
Any chance Slog can open up comments on the Frye article? Surely there's something our community can discuss about the Stranger asking a small non-profit museum that doesn't charge admission to subsidize housing.
My concern is that there are hopefully a few parking lots kept open in Capitol Hill for people that like to commute into the neighborhood during the evening to check out bands. It's almost impossible to get home by public transportation at 1:30am--2am in the morning. Also including those that don't have a blasted uber app.
@2: that's probably why she didn't - Graves doesn't allow comments on her posts much lately.
Not sure about this one, but very few development projects in Seattle are "sad news for lovers of asphalt and cars". Most of them incorporate multiple levels of automobile parking.
It's the continuing "war on cars". Of course, the real war is the "war on anyone making less than $120,000 per year who wants to live in Seattle ".
Where was Dan's snark when they demo the Williamsburg downtown and the other lower rent apartments that have been torn down in the name of density for the rich?
If I owned that lot, I'd sell to a developer for a few Mil too. Fuck cars and the 'hood. It's all about the cash these days.
@4, Shouldn't the ability to comment be moderated by editorial staff rather than journalists themselves? I may think lowly of The Stranger, but I don't think they've devolved into petty mob rule over there.
@9: I guess. I'm not sure who determines which to disallow, except that it's the articles most likely to bring out the trolls.
@10 But the article itself was trolling. I need a forum to express my intentionally provoked emotional response.
I still don't understand why they call it a notice of "proposed" land use action if the public has such little sway that we can get our representatives to reject some of these proposals. It's insulting to call it "proposed".
Boo hoo Casey.
Maybe we should all comment and have a say on what you do at your residence?
This is what zoning rules are designed to do.
Who cares. Now that Edge of the Circle Books moved, there's no reason to go to Cap hill.

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