Fuck complicity. Vote "uncommitted delegates." Anthony Keo



Have your fun now, idealists, when it has no consequences.


While it's expected that internet randos' bloviations lack nuance, context and understanding, I feel like the SECB should do better; most of the complaints on Biden listed boil down to him not having a magic wand or progressive wish genie (and ignore other factions in the Dem coalition).


A vote for "Uncommitted" is a vote for Putin.


Remember when Nader ran s and took enough votes away from Gore for Bush to win? Push too much of this and Trump might win. But then again the Stranger has been pushing the wrong candidates for years.


"Unfortunately, even if every Stranger reader voted for Nader, he wouldn't win our state's 11 electoral votes, and he could very well swing Washington state to Bush. While some Nader supporters argue that Bush and Gore are essentially the same, we've concluded that Bush is, in fact, so much worse on so many issues that we can't back Nader in such a close race. Too much is at stake. Vote for Gore."
–The Stranger, November 2, 2000 (when common sense was move common).


I'm less concerned by the copious quantities of cannabis the SECB consumes than the copious quantities of TikToks and rando tweets that "inform" their opinions on seemingly every issue.

You understand that your compulsive consumption of this content has reduced the cost of delivering an endless stream of political propaganda through your eyeballs and directly to your amygdala to effectively nothing, right?


What an incredibly stupid and ignorant editorial.


“In Michigan, Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib launched an informal campaign asking people to select uncommitted delegates to support the call for a ceasefire. With about 200,000 registered voters who identify as Muslim in a state that Biden only won by a little more than 150,000 votes in 2020, he will be paying attention.”

That’s the same Member of Congress who refused to vote for a resolution condemning Hamas’ widespread raping of Israeli women because the same resolution didn’t also condemn the (entirely fictional) raping of Gazan women by the Israeli Defense Forces.

So, our country and world need risk another four years of Trump’s criminality and incompetence because some rape apologist throws a temper tantrum? And the Stranger recounts this without criticism? They truly have learned nothing from Sawant’s campaigning against Clinton.


One more nail in my Check-in with The Stranger coffin.


"Until we abolish the electoral college, abolish the Senate or at least the filibuster, and reform the Supreme Court, then none of this governance shit is going to get any better."

This will literally never happen so if this is the kind of country you wish to live in then I suggest you need to go elsewhere to find it.


And how much longer do you think you're going to be able to keep that job if you tell the story they're going to make you tell?! Play the tape through to the end, Leo.

If you are voting uncommitted, in an election that WILL feature the Orange Asshole...you are THE problem.
And if you think the Orange Asshole wouldn't be 10x worse on Gaza, you slept through 2017-2021.

Pull this shit again, you're going to get exactly what happened November 2016.


@8 "They truly have learned nothing from Sawant’s campaigning against Clinton."

Clinton didn't lose because a city councilmember in a solidly blue state "campaigned against" her, she lost because she was a terrible candidate. Unfortunately it was the Democrats who learned nothing from that experience, so now they're pushing a questionably-competent octogenarian with record low approval ratings.


Politics is ultimately about compromise. The far right seems to understand that Trump ultimately gives them the theocratic leaning government they want (regardless of his moral failings / lack of actual Christian faith). Meanwhile the far left can only fixate on Biden’s inability to live up to their progressive perfectionism (be that climate policy, student loan forgiveness, or foreign policy).

To say a second Trump presidency would be bad for a lot of people I love would be a gross understatement (and I suspect many commentators here fall into that same camp). I really hope the kids figure this out sooner than later.

And an aside, as a Biden delegate you can help shape the party platform (uncommitted can’t).


The Stranger doesn't have the influence many here think it has.


Lmfao at "lurched hard to the right on immigration". How many million people have illegally entered the country during this term again?

That said, I'm fine with your choice. I write in my friend Arturo personally. What's the point of voting for President in this state?


Putin thanks you for your service.

It's time to realize that Biden is doing what he can for Palestinians, even if Hamas keeps feeding you Lies.


SECB going full bougie privilege I see.


The whole reason Hamas attacked Israel was to throw a tantrum after Saudi Arabia & Egypt lined up with Trump and Netenyahu to legitimize the West Bank settlements and the US embassy in Jerusalem. But go ahead and side with Trump on this. That will finish off the Palestinians once and for all. BTW if the Palestinians participated in Israeli government in the 90s rather than boycotting and protesting the government for something perfect they also wouldn't be in this situation.


@12: Sawant campaigned against Clinton in swing states. Not in Seattle.

(And Clinton won the popular vote anyway, so she was actually a pretty good candidate.)

Given Trump’s victory was the one thing Sawant might actually be able to truthfully claim as an accomplishment during her ten long otherwise-pointless years in office, it’s really bizarre her supporters don’t crow about it.


The whole thing is obviously just unserious silliness, but to me the critique that always shows the disconnect from reality is that “he /let/ Sinema and Manchin run the country”. Like, come on, if you truly think that what would have made Joe fucking Manchin vote for the Green New Deal or whatever else was a stern talking-to from President Bernie Sanders, your “I have relevant opinions about politics” card should be revoked.


What the fuck is wrong with you? This is just horseshit, and you know it. I mean, you actually know it:

Sure, even we screaming socialists must admit that Biden has chalked up some impressive wins while working with a functionally divided government

Why not just stop there? Why not admit that this old motherfucker has done some pretty impressive shit given the state of the country, and we should enthusiastically endorse his geriatric ass? This is just bullshit. Obama didn't get treated this way, even though he fucking overthrew Libya! That lead to years of turmoil and chaos -- and yet it is just a bullshit double standard because Biden is old, or not as charming, or something.

Look nimrods, Biden is not happy with what Netanyahu has done. Every fucking day he is trying to get that asshole to stop being such an asshole. But guess what? It is a different fucking country! There is only so much the U. S. can do. We can sanction the fuck out of Israel and Netanyahu will still do the same shit, while talking about the atrocities his people endured (and he has a point). The only people who can stop this are the people of Israel.

Oh, and your "white power" bullshit is fucking naive. The only reason Biden was nominated was because Black people like him. Otherwise your wet dream of a nominee (Bernie) would be president, or Trump would be serving out his second term. Get a fucking clue.


@5 -- Thanks for the reference. It just shows how much better the editorial staff of The Stranger was back then. They really knew their shit, and made practical choices. The nominees they chose (for local races) would not only win the primary, but the general election too. They got shit done. Now they nominate people with no fucking clue, and then wonder why they can't win in the general. They seem happier whining about the reactionaries that get elected instead of trying to prevent them from having a chance.


I love this theory wherein Biden secretly actually is taking on Israel, perhaps wishes he could openly say "Free Palestine!" and so forth, as if he hasn't consistently defended Israel's war in Gaza financed it, provided the weapons for it, diplomatically shielded it, vowed that support is unconditional, etc. This is a fantastic direction for the Democratic party - imagine your leaders secretly support your policies and always vote for them while demanding absolutely nothing from them.


I see nothing forward thinking or progressive about this idea. This isn't the time to die on this hill.

Women are losing their literal rights to their body autonomy in other states, and what are you doing? Sending 'thoughts and prayers"? Instead of insuring that the guy that's promised a nationwide ban on Abortion, you've got people....men, (and some women) trying to pass laws banning birth control, IVF, and so on.

We can absolutely focus on more than one thing at a time WHILST preventing what might be the last day of freedom in our country if trump attains the residency again.


@24 Trump never promised a "nationwide abortion ban", it's obviously something he doesn't care about either way and was surprised by the Supreme Court decision, which he considered bad for Republican electoral prospects.



"Until we abolish the electoral college, abolish the Senate or at least the filibuster, and reform the Supreme Court, then none of this governance shit is going to get any better."

This will literally never happen so if this is the kind of country you wish to live in then I suggest you need to go elsewhere to find it."

All of those things will eventually happen. The abolition of the EC & Senate won't happen in your or my lifetimes of course, probably not in Hannah or Ashley's either, though meaningful Supreme Court reform is at least within the realm of possibility there. Those other fundamental and necessary changes are coming at some point, maybe sometime in my eight year old niece's life and it'd be neat if she could live under and within a more democratically aligned society.

I've no real problem arguing and advocating for principled reforms whose eventual adoption won't directly impact me. People now recognized as heroes have been doing exactly that throughout our nation's history and we're a better society because of them.


At this point, it's more likely Trump, as an opportunist who despite other flaws actually attempts to do things he believes most people want, would codify more abortion rights, while Biden would behave similarly as he has with regard to Gaza and pretend his hands are tied while letting you know he's still entitled to your vote because otherwise the bad guys win.


@25 — Donald Trump said there should be “some form of punishment” for women who get abortions. He appointed the Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe v. Wade. He’ll sign a nationwide abortion ban in 2 seconds where Joe Biden would veto it. Stop spewing bullshit like The Stranger did with this editorial.


@27 is either an idiot or a MAGA troll - get out of here with that crap


@28, @29, what he actually said when pressed was that if they broke the law to obtain an abortion he believed there should be "some form of punishment", which isn't really the same thing. He appointed Supreme Court justices who were fairly conservative, as would be expected, but who are also known to vote unpredictably and not completely on party lines, which is generally the case with Supreme Court justices in general (and you can say goodbye to even the vague sense of judicial philosophies over party if you manage to "reform" the Supreme Court, which you'll really miss if the new judges ever don't go your way), and as such was surprised by their decision to return the power over abortion to the states, which again he recognizes as politically unpopular & has been reported as favoring exceptions for rape, incest, life of the mother, etc, which he believes to be more popular. Even if he'll occasionally brag to an evangelical crowd about getting them something they wanted, he recognizes it as an electoral loser and "nationwide abortion ban" is ridiculous and something he's never supported - do you seriously think Donald Trump has deeply held ideological principles other than "Trump wins"?


@32 I'm sorry you're having trouble understanding what I said. Saying Trump is MORE likely to codify abortion rights than Biden means only that Biden would apply his same level of effectiveness to the issue that he has in stopping what's happening in Gaza - which is none at all.


Relax folks. It’s just a primary vote. The Party has already decided who the nominee will be.
When the general election comes around all the good little leftwing drones will vote for Biden just as all the little right wing drones will vote for Trump.


@33 — we get it, like many other supposed “leftists” you support Donald Trump.


@26 I certainly hope you're wrong. The things described are features of our republic that were deliberately installed by the founders to create checks and balances and give equal voices to smaller states with lessor populations. If as you say those things eventually come to pass the American experiment will officially be over and whatever is left of this country will resemble all the other countries where the mob rules.

@34 Are you sure they will still come out for the general? The voters jumping on board with this nonsense are generally the younger crowd who are already notoriously unreliable to vote. It's not out of the realm of possibility we'll see a lower turn out election than we did in 2020 because these voters don't show up in Nov.


That’s a valid point. Young folks tend to take their ball and go home when things don’t go their way.
That should scare the hell out of the left. Good or bad, the right is enthused about their candidate. They won’t have the same struggle with voter apathy that the democrats will.


Marianne Williamson is back in the race as of a couple hours ago. I will be voting for her, because I like her policies more than Biden's. Then, in the general, I will vote for the Democrat.
This is not "throwing away a vote" or "giving a vote to Trump." That argument makes no sense. If you can't vote for the candidate you like in a PRIMARY, when are you allowed to?


@36, If the SC bans the mifepristone before they take off for summer break, I would be very surprised if "the kids" didn't come out for the general election. They'll have another issue to tie up I-5 traffic over. The millennials like the convenience of those pills.

They'll have to start taking chemistry classes to try to make their moonshine version.


The best argument for voting uncommitted isn't any of the ones the Stranger gives. Yes, Biden has been an effective president in some ways; he may continue to be if he's re-elected. While I strongly disagree with his so-far blank check for Israel, he's accomplished significantly more of the progressive agenda than Obama did, despite the same unrelenting, scorched-earth opposition from Republicans (and certain opportunistic so-called Democrats). Big props to him for that. I mean it.

BUT -- and this is crucial -- he has always been a poor campaigner and age is making him noticeably worse. Passing up the softball Super Bowl interview, by far the biggest audience he will ever have the opportunity to address, is not only an inexcusably poor tactical decision but also a frightening indication of how little confidence he (and/or his aides) have in his ability to sell his accomplishments or project strength and vitality. A high uncommitted vote in the states that allow it may help encourage him to recognize his profound weakness (as a candidate, not as a president) and graciously leave the race if he can't get his poll numbers above water before the August convention. We're fortunate in Washington to have this opportunity to register our profound unease with Biden's candidacy without boosting any of his unserious opponents. While voting Democratic in November is of course a must regardless of whose name is on the ballot, let's urge an open convention and a more electable ticket vs. Trump while it's still a possibility. Vote uncommitted.


@40 Who is the better democratic candidate who can win the electoral college in November? People who want Biden to step down never put up the superior candidate.


@41 I don't think anyone at this point seriously believes "Biden" is making any of the real decisions as he visibly barely knows where he is, but personally I might vote for Kamala were she an option, as he will almost certainly step down for her immediately in a second term.


@41 Fair question. I personally think the strongest possible ticket would be Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer for president and Georgia Sen. Raphael Warnock for VP -- a balanced ticket racially, sexually, ideologically and geographically which also represents two of the largest swing states. Trump wouldn't stand a chance. But really, any competent Democratic governor or senator under 70 would undoubtedly make a better candidate than Biden. (Again, not necessarily a better president, but a better candidate.)

Partly as a result of Trump's decade of Republican party dominance, Dems have a strong, deep bench to choose from (Newsom, Pritzger, Hochul, Burgum, the list goes on). I'm much more concerned about Biden's electability than I am about who might replace him.


@43 Trump would annihilate those candidates, who have maybe 1% of his name recognition, and Whitmer's claim to fame is...what? Winning a blue state?


@41 there isn't one. why this crowd can't understand how don't let trump get elected again works (hint: you can only vote for biden because numbers) is parsecs beyond me. see you chumps in november.


@43, I think Whitmer would be a terrific candidate and wish that the Biden camp had chosen her for the VP slot. I also understand that when she was re-elected Governor, Whitmer said she would serve out her term as Governor, which I presume would bring her up to 2028......and have to fight a death match with thirsty Gavin for the nomination.....if we can still vote.
But if strange sh*t happens between now and the convention and a Whitmer can run for the Presidency, I'd be phone banking for her.

@44, I would take the bet of a younger Midwest governor with more name recognition than you think vs. 91 felony counts.


@44 That's not really a factor. Anyone the Democrats nominate is going to have ~100 percent name recognition almost instantly. Blanket media coverage, months of public appearances and several hundred million dollars' worth of advertising will see to that. Obama was a relative unknown when he declared his candidacy. So were Clinton and Carter. All of them defeated Republicans who were far better known at the start of the race. Name recognition just isn't anything to get hung up about.


@21 "Look nimrods, Biden is not happy with what Netanyahu has done. Every fucking day he is trying to get that asshole to stop being such an asshole. But guess what? It is a different fucking country! There is only so much the U. S. can do"

They can not veto UN resolutions attempting to hold Israel at all accountable


@2 Thank you for saying it! It's amazing how out of touch these people are. It's hard to take TS seriously after that first paragraph. "A guy who failed to fully cancel student debt". Just wow. The entitlement is strong. When Trump becomes POTUS that's on you guys. It's not my fault that you can't see all of the great things Biden has done as well as how difficult it is to work out a ceasefire between Netanyahu and Hammas. Fuck all the way off.


@41, 45,

There are options out there. Here are a few.


You may scoff at them now and current polling suggests any of them would face a brutal uphill battle to present a serious challenge either to JB or to DJT. But with the ridiculous weight of the DNC behind them and a brutal campaign blitz, I feel confident there's any number of folks out there that could quickly establish enough credibility to gain legitimacy as a candidate. I genuinely like Biden, probably even more than CKathes there, but this is just a really bizarre set of circumstances and so we (and the DNC) should be giving serious consideration to any potential alternatives.


@27 Go away.


@50 if that was an attempt to persuade me that any of those are a good bet for november, it didn't work.


@52 what's the argument for Biden other than that he's not Trump, an argument that works equally well for any other Democrat? What's the compelling reason that we need to settle for a man well past retirement age who can't reliably put full sentences together?



Right on and hopefully no big deal. Though if Biden has any more embarrassing gaffes in the next few weeks you may want to seek out the counsel of someone more persuasive than myself, as I can assure you the calls for him to step aside will grow both louder and more frequent among those he's dependent upon for support.


If you feel like you gotta send a REWARD to a bunch of terrorists who started a war unnecessarily, took a bunch of innocent civilians as hostages, and then killed those hostages, for no good reason at all, then be my guest.


Stranger, enough with this "endorsement" nonsense. Do you really want to risk another Trump victory by garnering more anti-Biden momentum? Do you really think he - or any world leader - has that much sway over Netanyahu and his ilk to change course in Gaza. And, last I read, Hamas just rejected the latest ceasefire proposals that Biden was supporting. I voted Sawant years ago based on your recommendations, and look where that got us. GET REAL, Elections Control Board!


I can find more intelligent political analysis from any drunken lout at any bar. The idea that there are better Democratic candidates than Biden is total nonsense. Name one. Name one who could actually win in November. Biden has done a better job than you assholes will ever give him credit for. I know you want a useless loudmouth who will say everything you desire while getting nothing accomplished but I prefer competence.


@56 George H W Bush was able to push back against Israel more effectively, by conditioning aid on no more illegal settlements.

@57 Raphael Warnock. Andy Beshear. Gretchen Whitmer.


We will not vote for either party ever. We cannot go along with parties that fund Israel that is committing genocide against the Palestinian people and the people of the Congo for greed. Biden has declared himself a militant zionist. it is clearly delusional to expect him to give up his maniacal support for Israel without extreme pressure from the people.

For many, many years the Palestinian people have been murdered by the zionist military and this knowledge has been denied the American people by the mass corporate media.
This never started on Oct. 6. By international law the Palestinian people have the right to defend themselves and as an occupier in stolen land Israel does not.

The democrat party will not stop funding Israel against the wishes of millions of people who give their lives to stop genocide. The American empire with all its attacks on foreign countries throughout its history cannot last. It is starting to crumble. It is isolated against the world. The world is crying out against genocide funded by our tax dollars.

STOP THE FUNDING OF ISRAEL BY THE USA. All the vicious lies by those that support Israel do not work. Please demand that the funding of Israel be cut off now or these genocides will not be stopped. Recover the World


@59: Good to see you’re back, and making as much sense as ever! Thanks also for validating Horseshoe Theory, with “democrat party,” a VERY long-running verbal tic of the American hard right.

Now, for points upon which you could improve: use “colonialist” or “imperialist” along with “occupier,” and demonstrate your actual knowledge of the Middle East by including a statement which lazily assumes all Israelis are white.

Once again, welcome back! This blog has lacked your entertainment value.


"Though we...do consume enormous amounts of extremely high-potency cannabis."

Political journalism written under a hazy fugue gets you the kind of trash product emblematic of this rag.

Bonus points for not even mentioning Ukraine. In fact, the Stranger has been absent on that issue, but you want to lecture about "genocide."

What a joke.


I no longer support the Stranger as they want me to play games with Democracy and vote uncommitted in the 2024 primary. I also am deeply offended by the ageist comments about Biden - things like "if he lives to see the election..." come on Stranger, that is discriminatory, stereotypical and disgusting. What is your age limit for treating people with dignity and respect? 40? 50? 60? When do you cross the age boundary that makes it ok to abuse people about their age with jokes and assumptions they are now stupid, as well as telling them they are going to die soon? As well as discounting all their contributions to society. You are a hypocrite, you claim that you are not racist, or sexist, or that you are working to save lives in Palestine, but you attack people over a certain age, why is that ok? Hypocritical and wrong. PS - If you are lucky to live that long you will get there too, then see how it feels.


@62 Same. I used to love the Stranger and come to the comments to defend them. Now look at how reckless they are. Like others have said it's like the writers get their news from tiktok and twitter and expect us to take them seriously. I've never seen them walk anything back. This is how we got Trump and how we will get him again and they don't even understand after that we might not ever be able to vote again. That's not hyperbole. This is dangerous and they are being lazy about our fucking democracy. It's gaslighting and virtue signaling and it's fucking sad. I give up on TS. I'll be back in November to say I told you so.


You are never getting anything you want again, as the Party has learned they can simply say "Vote for us, or the Trump Boogeyman wins!" and your vote is guaranteed. Vote uncommitted and make them work for it.


@64 -- remember the other day when you lied and said that Trump would be better on abortion than Biden? Here's Trump floating a nationwide 15 week ban, which of course he would sign and of course Biden would veto.


Just stop wasting everybody's time here and admit you support and are voting for Trump.


@64 For some reason, it's extremely rare for a commenter to actually admit supporting Trump. They will provoke away to their heart's content, but won't admit the obvious. Is it cowardice? Is it strategy (if they really think a comment in any comments section is going to change anyones mind)? I dunno, but it's definitely weird.


@65 If you read the article, he's saying "I heard about this, and I'm not agreeing to anything", which again is hardly a statement of support, but since the Dems have a perfect boogeyman of a National Abortion Ban which is never happening, which he never supported, you'll just vote out of fear of the pretend thing forever.

I'm really not sure why you need me to be a Trump voter - I would look inward if I were you and try and figure out why independent and unbiased stances are so difficult for you to accept.


@66 If you have all this evidence that someone might not support Trump, like they're saying "I don't support Trump", and they have different opinions than him, and it is, as you say, weird and inexplicable for them to do this, then maybe, just maybe, this sense you have that it's "obvious" they really are secret Trump supporters isn't coming from a place of reason?


@68 Don't know or care whether you're a Trump voter. I was just reacting to Bax' statement...reread and you can see my response was just a general statement. I apologize for misnumbering who my comment was meant for. However, you should really get that run-on sentence looked at as soon as possible.


@69 Well, it was clear enough to persuade you to backtrack, so you'll have to forgive my nice big informative sentences.


A high uncommitted vote in the states that allow it may help encourage him to recognize his profound weakness (as a candidate, not as a president) and graciously leave the race if he can't get his poll numbers above water before the August convention.

this's a Brilliant
Solution & gives
geriatric Joe an easy
way out. the "d"nc gave
us Hilary & Joe & I Shudder
& wonder at whom they'll Next
come up with. Whitehouse* for the

Whitehouse suits me Fine.

he don't even
Want it so
who bet-


"The democrat party... "

[the good ole
party -- a closely-
held group of Centrists, Inc
LLC, who've already Got Thiers] [lol]

"... will not stop funding Israel against the wishes of millions of people who give their lives to stop genocide. The American empire with all its attacks on foreign countries throughout its history cannot last.

It is starting to crumble.
It is isolated against the world.
The world is crying out against genocide
funded by our tax dollars." what if it's not Actual
Genocide. what if it's only "genocide" lite? then Obv we
MUST Support Nutnhyaoo's War on Gazans - no -- on HAMAS!

fucking BINGO
Ivy. missed you!

oh & fuck off


“[El trumpfster] appointed Supreme Court justices who were fairly conservative, as would be expected, but who are also known to vote unpredictably and not completely on party lines, which is generally the case with Supreme Court justices in general (and you can say goodbye to even the vague sense of judicial philosophies over party if you manage to ‘reform’ the Supreme Court, which you'll really miss if the new judges ever don't go your way)… “
--@ nekrasova

ever since
the Heritage Found.
discovered right wing
appointes tend to shift
Leftward over Time they’ve
Figured out that lavishing them
With Gifts helps them keep Perspective

so if we can Stop
the justices-buying
the natural Arc of the
Universe will be allowed
to Bend in its Proper Direction

FDR never
had to re-Stack
the USSC; the Threat
alone was Motivation enough

but Traitor MKkKonnell
DID stack the Court
&’s now Paying For
it by Gawd turning
him into Statuary
occasionally for
Laffs or whtvs

so How is
That wrong


I applaud your push for uncommitted delegates, but for a different reason: to elect Biden or any Democrat instead of Trump at all costs! To improve that possibility (considering Biden’s age and poor poll numbers), uncommitted delegates could identify and support an alternative presidential candidate who would:
• openly agree to energize Biden’s campaign, pushing him and the DNC to put their “Attack Trump” and “Look what we’ve done for you” acts into high gear.
• actually be nominated if Biden becomes incapacitated or dies pre-Convention; or it becomes apparent to Biden’s delegates from polls that he cannot win, and Biden releases them; or a huge ground-swell of public support for the alternative candidate develops.
• become the Democratic presidential candidate post-Convention if Biden dies or abdicates his candidacy for any reason.
We need a contingency candidate who can re-energize Democrats regardless of what happens to Biden.

Furthermore, you should quiet-down the “genocide” reason for opposing Biden. I agree that Israel is close to committing Palestinian genocide, but that is hugely exacerbated by Hamas’ ruthless human-shield tactics sacrificing their fellow Palestinians! Biden and his Cabinet-level officers are doing everything possible to negotiate a cease-fire, short of declaring a divorce from Israel by refusing further military aid and diplomatic support for Netanyahu’s war. Trump hates Muslims and would arm Israel to the teeth, so he must not win! But (per Wikipedia) U.S.-resident Jews outnumber U.S.-resident Muslims/Arabs (which includes Palestinians) 7.6 million to 3.5 million. If the U.S. divorces Israel, both Jews and Muslims will refuse to vote for either candidate, and Trump will win by having less than half as many millions of “non-voters” as Biden.


I applaud your push for uncommitted delegates, but for a different reason: to elect Biden or any Democrat instead of Trump at all costs! To improve that possibility (considering Biden’s age and poor poll numbers), uncommitted delegates could identify and support an alternative presidential candidate who would:
• openly agree to energize Biden’s campaign, pushing him and the DNC to put their “Attack Trump” and “Look what we’ve done for you” acts into high gear.
• actually be nominated if Biden becomes incapacitated or dies pre-Convention; or it becomes apparent to Biden’s delegates from polls that he cannot win, and Biden releases them; or a huge ground-swell of public support for the alternative candidate develops.
• become the Democratic presidential candidate post-Convention if Biden dies or abdicates his candidacy for any reason.
We need a contingency candidate who can re-energize Democrats regardless of what happens to Biden.

Furthermore, you should quiet-down the “genocide” reason for opposing Biden. I agree that Israel is close to committing Palestinian genocide, but that is hugely exacerbated by Hamas’ ruthless human-shield tactics sacrificing their fellow Palestinians! Biden and his Cabinet-level officers are doing everything possible to negotiate a cease-fire, short of declaring a divorce from Israel by refusing further military aid and diplomatic support for Netanyahu’s war. Trump hates Muslims and would arm Israel to the teeth, so he must not win! But (per Wikipedia) U.S.-resident Jews outnumber U.S.-resident Muslims/Arabs (which includes Palestinians) 7.6 million to 3.5 million. If the U.S. divorces Israel, both Jews and Muslims will refuse to vote for either candidate, and Trump will win by having less than half as many millions of “non-voters” as Biden.


I applaud your push for uncommitted delegates, but for a different reason: to elect Biden or any Democrat instead of Trump at all costs! To improve that possibility (considering Biden’s age and poor poll numbers), uncommitted delegates could identify and support an alternative presidential candidate who would:
• openly agree to energize Biden’s campaign, pushing him and the DNC to put their “Attack Trump” and “Look what we’ve done for you” acts into high gear.
• actually be nominated if Biden becomes incapacitated or dies pre-Convention; or it becomes apparent to Biden’s delegates from polls that he cannot win, and Biden releases them; or a huge ground-swell of public support for the alternative candidate develops.
• become the Democratic presidential candidate post-Convention if Biden dies or abdicates his candidacy for any reason.
We need a contingency candidate who can also re-energize Democrats regardless of what happens to Biden.

Furthermore, you should quiet-down the “genocide” reason for opposing Biden. I agree that Israel is close to committing Palestinian genocide, but that is hugely exacerbated by Hamas’ ruthless human-shield tactics sacrificing their fellow Palestinians! Trump hates Muslims and would arm Israel to the teeth, so he must not win! Biden and his Cabinet-level officers are doing everything possible to negotiate a cease-fire, short of declaring a divorce from Israel by refusing further military aid and diplomatic support for Netanyahu’s war. But (per Wikipedia) U.S.-resident Jews outnumber U.S.-resident Muslims/Arabs (which includes Palestinians) 7.6 million to 3.5 million. If the U.S. divorces Israel, both Jews and Muslims will refuse to vote for either candidate, and Trump will win by having less than half as many millions of “non-voters” as Biden.


@70 But have nice big informative sentences ever made up for your tiny infinitesimal worm-like dick?


@74, -5 & -6:
leavin' Smokin' Joe
an Out is a brilliant Plan

the Job takes so Much
out of a Mortal human
being it's a Wonder Joe's
held On as Long as he Has

the Genocide thingy is
wormmy's derailment strategy
& your're Correct he Should be
Ignored & Mocked for the Buffoon
he portrays to us here on derr Schloge


the double/
treble submit
button's a Trap.


I would write in my man Dark Brandon, regardless of the particulars.

The problem isn't him. It's you.


A ‘cease-fire’ in 1944/1945 would have saved a great many German / Japanese lives. It would have also left Hitler / Tojo in power. The ‘cease-fire’ crowd should be seen as pro-Hitler or at very least Hitler tolerant.

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