Elections 2024 Sep 11, 2024 at 9:17 am

Both Candidates Fought for the Middle While Saying a Lot of Nothing

A true goober-natorial debate. Anthony Keo



This felt like a very podunk production after watching the Presidential debate. The first five minutes was the type of scrapping you see between siblings (candidates) telling on mom (moderators). Thanks for the recap, because my instincts to spend my time elsewhere was right on.


"He’ll tell you what he plans to do as governor once you’ve earned the right to know."

Probably not. The AG's office and the legislature as a whole seem to have a kind of contempt for voters where they think they know better than us and we shouldn't question the sausage making so to speak. I think voters got to see the real Bob a bit, thin skinned and thinking he is the smartest guy in the room. I don' t think Reichart came across particularly well so Bob will probably be out next governor and we'll get more of the same. I hope at the next debate the ask him the question again about whether people were misled about the impact of the CCA. He dodged that one in this debate but it does deserve an answer.


tl;dr I'll take anyone over the former Sears Underwear Model turned cop.


Not that I particularly like either candidate's political points of view, but from the point of view of job experience: Reichert has come up through the administrative branch. Implement laws as passed by city/county councils or the legislature. And that's what the administrative branch (governor) is supposed to do. Ferguson came up through the judicial branch. Everything else has failed. The legislature and/or administration hasn't performed. Now it's time to file suit and let the court and attorneys slug it out. And if defending the city/county state (the job of a prosecutor or AG) doesn't align with personal politics, perhaps that defense will be half-hearted. And the courts will end up making law. And we all know what kind of a circus that can be.

I'm more inclined to believe Reichert when he says he may not agree with the law but he'll uphold it than Ferguson. Who'll just let it make its way to the state supreme court (after years) and hope that they'll come up with the "right answer".


@6- the AG’s office deals with administrative matters all the time. As the state’s attorney, the AG is very heavily involved in administrative matters.


"When Washington became a state in 1889, the state constitution codified the Attorney General's Office as part of the executive branch."



Did Jim Jordan choose Reichert’s wardrobe?


@7,8: Yes, the AG is a part of the executive branch. Their legal counsel, in effect.

"The Legislature gave the Attorney General the responsibilities of representing the territory in front of the supreme and district courts"

I'd rather have an executive that plays by the rules and does their job correctly (according to law and constitution) than one that needs to be bailed out of trouble in court. Too much of the latter going on lately.


@6 -- what the hell are you talking about?

Reichert started out as a Sheriff's Deputy, then eventually became an elected Sheriff. These are both executive branch positions. Then he became a member of Congress, which is part of the Legislative branch.

There is no such thing as the "administrative branch"

Ferguson was a King County Councilmember, which means he was part of the Legislative branch. Then he got elected AG, which is part of the Executive branch, as people have stated above.

The only way to be a part of the Judicial branch is to be a judge. Ferguson has never been a judge.

It's impressive to be as wrong as you are in every conceivable way in one post, but you managed to do it. Well done.


@12: "The only way to be a part of the Judicial branch is to be a judge."

Attorneys are "officers of the court".


@ 6,13 - Perhaps it's just me, but doesn't that undermine your earlier argument?

"The term most frequently refers to judges, clerks, court personnel, and police officers. Attorneys are also officers of the court and owe the court a duty of candor and obedience to court rules."



@14: Police officers are officers of the court when executing issued court orders (warrants, etc.). Which I'm sure Reichert did from time to time when he was sheriff (or a member of that department). Ferguson still is an attorney in this state.

Things have changed since Reichert was elected sheriff of an independent administration department and King county pulled that department in under it's executive control. At any rate, I'd trust a KC sheriff today, being a political appointee than I would from the days the position was elected and answerable to the voters.

I'm just not sure who Ferguson answers to.


(Somebody alert Jill Stein and the 10 guys on my IG stories constantly posting about her—they might have a new friend.)

Ashley: you need MUCH better Insta-friends.
Anyone thinking about Jill Stein was apparently asleep from 2001-2009 and then again from 2017-2021.

Presidential elections are not never-ending birthday parties thrown by Mommy with ponies and ice cream cones.

Jill Stein is one of the most privilegey "I don't have to live with the consequences of my incredibly ill-informed vote when I ABSOLUTELY should know better because the country suffered through this TWICE in the past thirty years" votes imaginable.


Ashley, to paraphrase Bill Maher, you’re hiring a governor to run your state, not a boyfriend/“crush”… Some jobs don’t and shouldn’t come with a “charm” requirement.


Catalina Vel-DuRay thanks for the heads-up, can’t stop thinking about Reichert in Jockey Shorts with that bulge, which his prominent proboscis portends.

That does it, Polly’s all in for Reichert.

Boohoo those hairy buns! (already planning well-hung Sheriff Reichert Halloween costume)

Agree with Holmes, Reichert has Peace Officer and Legislative experience, so he would be the more qualified as an Executive Administrator, and yes, yes, a thousand times yes, the Democrats tend to fall back on the courts to deploy their Marxist visons of a benign, over-bearing Nanny State, so Reichert, who lacks charisma (actually neither candidate is real sexy, except Reichert posed semi-nude in the Sears Catalog, so that nailed it for Polly) but Reichert comes across a serious-minded straight shooter, and as journalist Ashley Nerbovig aptly pointed out, Ferguson was weaselly and waffly, like a good little career Democrat, so Reichert is the mature, intelligent choice.

Ferguson is your garden-variety Communist, so he can go fly a kite naked from a steel pylon in an electrical storm.

Nice to have intelligent contributors like Catalina Vel-DuRay, Holmes, pollysexual and of course Ashley Nerbovig in these heady election-year times.

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