Elections 2024 Sep 17, 2024 at 9:00 am

Locals Say David Olson Is Indifferent to Struggles of POC, Queer Students

You'll be shocked to learn that David Olson didn't want to talk to us about accusations of him ignoring the struggles of queer students and students of color. Anthony Keo



The idea of a far-right extremist like David Olsen controlling our schools is terrifying! Peninsula schools have been noted for their student's bigotry against anyone who isn't in their white, Christian world.


Currently, 67% of Washington Public School student cannot pass Basic Math requirments.

Starving students of an education is wrong and parents are voting with their feet. Public school enrollment is dropping fast. Districts get $$$ based on enrollment. Look at Seattle Public Schools. They have a $100M budget gap because families are fleeing the district.

Meanwhile, the demand for private schools is skyrocketing.

Public schools are imploding. The education is terrible. It's time for change.

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