
Ken Bone has already stated he has decided who he will vote for president.
fuck ken bone. his was a selfish question - he works at a power plant.
Anyone who claims to be undecided at this point (well, actually anytime after Trump took the nomination) is what we used to call an attention whore.

And anyone voting for Trump should not be allowed to operate heavy machinery or use the internet. I always knew Republicans were horrible people, but I didn't think they were this stupid.
Well, that explains it. I've never been particularly bothered by matters of the conscience.
@4: you give "independent" (republican) voters too much credit for "ethics", as abundantly demonstrated by the last 30 years.
My first thought was, "What kind of space aliens thought 'sexy Ken Bone' would be a profitable costume for them to design?" Then I browsed the website for about 3 minutes, and realized that this is on the lesser side of the insane choices they've made. At least this costume is depicting a sexy human. It's not a sexy Dory, or sexy Twizzlers.

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