
Trump actually hasn't won the electoral college yet, the electoral college does not vote until December.
It's hilarious that anyone at the Stranger thinks even the peeled acorn squash that is our next president would take any notice of your righteous critique.
Donald Trump will never be the President of the United States for one simple reason: He was not born in this country.

Where was he born, then, you ask? Does it matter? The point is, it wasn't here.

I know people are saying he was born on an unflagged ship in international waters. I don't know if that's true, but I guess it would explain why there's no record of his birth in another country.
Update: I've sent some people out to international waters to check it out, and you would not believe what they're finding.

It's hilarious that you think every news blog on the internet is intended as a direct conversation with its subject.
I would like to ask, in a sincerely non-partisan way, if anyone else thinks there's something wrong with Kellyanne Conway. She looks to me like she's had a stroke or something. Her face seems unbalanced.

You should boycott that show.
@10 You live up to your namesake.
@12...yeah-boycott a show that's sold out a year in advance. THAT will be devastatingly effective.
I'm just shocked that the Prez-Elect is already calling for "Safe Spaces" for his cuck VP. I mean seriously, what happened to No More Political Correctness?

Wassa-mattah? Can't take a little heat?
Man up, Buttercup.
@4 - "tacky"?
Either you are being humorously ironic (in which case, Ken Mehlman would be proud!), or you are normalizing authoritarianism.
@4 Trump both campaigned and is now running his transition like it is a TV reality show, the Hamilton cast was just following his lead. So no they were not out of line. Trump set the rules of engagement.
Trump wanting safe spaces...just as pathetic as those kids at Seattle University with the blue hair.
Tweeting dumb stuff can really get you in trouble. Just ask Brandon Victor Dixon.

So, I guess we need to add "theatre historian/critic" to your long list of "Things I Know All About"?
That awkward moment when Alexander Hamilton authored the language of the Electoral College and backed the passage of the anti-immigration Alien and Sedition Acts...
Raindrop dear, the tradition of a curtain speech is almost as old as the theatre itself. I thought the speech was very nice, patriotic schmaltz. If you need to find fault, I'd look to the audience (although I personally had no problem with their reaction, either)

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