
Maybe if these posts get no comments or attention from anyone, it's a sign Slog has become a vanity blog for its staff's interests? Just sayin'.
In all of these melodramas, the ultimate life success story is BECOMING A BLOGGER! YES! All the petty angst and hyperemotional nonsense are the heavy big city prices you pay on the path to the exalted rank of INTERNET BLOGGER. Annual salary: zero cash and same readership. Makes tour pointless life seem less meaningful.
I wish SLOG cared about Broad City half as much as this pretentious, self important, boring as fucking hell reflection of how lame all those ugly white girls can be. But I understand you are writing to a Seattle audience that can only aspire to that level of inanity.
@4, only a few are ugly.
I like these recaps because I stopped watching a couple years ago.
@4 We do! when Broad City starts up we definitely will write about it!!! I personally love Broad City. It's a far more accurate depiction of what it is like to be a 20-something in NY.
Didn't I hear Hannah say in a recent episode that she was going to be thirty? Or maybe I heard it on one of those post-show breakdowns. Anyway, given that she graduated Oberlin at 21 or 22, that would be a 7 to 8 year time frame in NYC.

Please wait...

and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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