Five seasons ago.
Five seasons ago.

Exactly five years ago tomorrow, the first episode of Girls aired. Created by Lena Dunham, the HBO series is a most contentious project that has both reflected and made light of four confused, selfish 20-somethings living in Brooklyn.

On Sunday, the show will come to a close. Between now and then, revisit our 10 favorite episodes of Girls:

1. Pilot (1.1): For starting it all.
2. One Man’s Trash (2.5): For revealing the cruelty of a world that incessantly questions a woman's attractiveness and her worthiness of Patrick Wilson, doctors, and intimacy.
3. On All Fours (2.9): For depicting bad sex unadorned, as well as a woman's discomfort after enduring it.
4. She Said OK (3.3): For giving us Gaby Hoffman.
5. Triggering (4.2): For its self-awareness. Recall: Hannah is a student at Iowa Writers' Workshop, where a classmate calls the protagonist of her writing "privileged."

Jesss favorite Girls boy.
Yoshi (right, in red pants) is Jess's favorite Girls boy.

6. Japan (5.3): For sending Shoshanna to Japan, where she goes to a BDSM salon and whips a guy. And also for giving us Yoshi, the best boy Girls ever had.
7. The Panic in Central Park (5.6): For Marnie finally being real.
8. Love Stories (5.9): For giving us Jenny Slate, again.
Craig Blankenhorn/HBO

9. American Bitch (6.3): For addressing the gray areas of sexual assault.
10. What Will We Do This Time About Adam (6.8): For two heartbreaking scenes: Jessa's bathroom breakdown and one final dalliance between Hannah and Adam before reality catches up to them.

Check Slog for our finale recap on Sunday night.

Leave us your agreements and disagreements, or tell us how wrong we are to care about this show in the comments below.