

"I mean, where else can you see real dinosaurs?"

Well, for starters, the Republican party and stages of casino clubs.


Moviepass. See whatever. $10/mo. A flick a day.




This movie is dumb as dino shit. I still enjoyed it in a few parts, but man is Jurassic Park getting DUMB now. I suppose I need to accept that I'm not part of the target demographic, but that doesn't excuse the entire premise of the film being undercut by the revelations in the third act (and sadly, that applies in two or three different ways).

@3: Not for a while, now. I got on it about a week after they switched to $10/mo, 4 movies/mo. Which is still one per weekend so it's a reasonable cost. Soon they're going to institute a premium for opening weekend on really popular movies, which is annoying as hell because the whole point of the service is to have a fixed per-month cost.

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