Eric Swalwell is out: Of the 2020 race, not the closet. He made the announcement this afternoon. I think his biggest contribution to the race will probably be when he reminded us how old Biden is.

Still, there are a lot of people running in the Democratic presidential primary: Here they are competing in Auburn, Washington.

MAWA: Nancy Pelosi says Trump wants to "Make America White Again," reports Bloomberg. Pelosi told reporters today that the Trump administration's plan to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census is a tactic to "Make America White Again. They want to make sure that people, certain people, are counted,” she said at a press conference. "It’s really disgraceful and it’s not what our founders had in mind." That said, I think our founders also had a pretty white America in mind.

This isn't the first time Pelosi has referenced MAWA: She previously called Trump's immigration plan a "Make America White Again" plan.

But while we're talking about the 2020 census: Trump's probably going to lose his fight to add a citizenship question to the census, writes Politico. “It just feels like a farce,” said a former head of the Department of Justice's civil rights division. “There are people who view this as the president asking the Justice Department to do unlawful things and to violate and undermine the rule of law.” Attorney General William Barr, however, sees a way for Trump to win.

Good news for our dwindling orcas: Today scientists confirmed that a calf born to a pod of endangered orcas last May is female. Scientists are referring to her as J56. Another calf, L124 or Lucky, was born to the L pod in January. Now we just need them to grow up fast and birth more babies.

Let's balance out the orca content with some dolphin content: I once peed on a dolphin. I think he liked it.

Crosscut fights to unionize: Members of the Seattle-based online newspaper announced the news today. A majority of the editorial staff has called for Cascade Public Media to voluntarily recognize their union, reports Lester Black. The unionizing committee listed a high turnover rate and a struggle "to hire and retain experienced talent" as reasons behind wanting to unionize.

Warren bests Sanders at fundraising: Damn! She's raised $19.1 million in the second quarter of this year, just a touch behind Biden's $21.5M. The Guardian had a great piece published this morning about how Warren has shaken up the 2020 race. In the six months of her campaign, Warren has held 105 town halls and taken more than 35,000 selfies (!!!).

I will never forget the moment Washington State Senator Bob Hasegawa vape-fluted: That was at our Candidate Survivor event from 2017. We're having another Candidate Survivor this August with the 14 Seattle City Council candidates who make it past the primary. The theme this year is "pageant." Seattle drag queen legend Cookie Couture will host. While we wait, let's revisit Bob Hasegawa's special talent:

Former President Clinton has issued a statement on Jeffrey Epstein: The Epstein sexual abuse case is pulling many powerful people into its orbit.

We've already received over 40 submissions to redesign Seattle's city flag: While I'm not sure our esteemed flag design judges will go for this design, I do think the Seahawks should take it up as their new banner.

Submission by Paula Scholz

Want to redesign Seattle's city flag and win prizes? Enter our competition!

Skip the White House: And come to Seattle, Megan. We're ready to party. (But seriously, when is our parade?! The team has a ticker tape parade in NYC on Wednesday July, 10 at 9:30 EDT.)

He's baaaaaack: If this tweet is to be believed, and if this Scruff account is actually him, it looks like Dylan Hafertepen, the master of Jack Chapman, a man who died last year due to complications with liquid silicone injections in his testicles, is back and online in Seattle. His profile—if this is his profile and not a catfish account—says he's "new to Seattle." He's not.

Someone else has been online lately: Jay Inslee. The 2020 hopeful has upped his Twitter game in the past couple of days, issuing a handful of endearing Dad Tweets. First up, this offer to new gay icon Lil Nas X.

And then this: Dye your hair, Jay! It's just hair!

A man died while attempting to rescue his pet pig from drowning in the Wenatchee River over the weekend: The pig lived.

Trailer dump: New trailers for Mulan, Maleficent: Mistress of Evil, Judy, and Queer Eye. First up: The trailer for Disney's upcoming live action Mulan dropped yesterday afternoon. It'll be out Spring 2020. Unfortunately, no dragons or Eddie Murphy in this trailer.

More from Disney: Honestly, this looks kinda hot. It drops into theaters October 18.

RenĂ©e Zellweger’s trying to get that Academy Award: If Rami Malek can do it, she can too. Judy opens September 27.

A different kind of judy: Queer Eye is getting even more emotional for their fourth season, with the Fab 5 heading to Kansas City where Jonathan Van Ness makes over his orchestra teacher. The season drops on Netflix July 19.