Guest Rant Jul 31, 2024 at 10:00 am

Applying Tribal Ecological Knowledge to Our State’s Land Management Efforts Will Tackle Climate Change and Better Manage Our Natural Resources

Patrick DePoe currently serves on the executive team at the Washington State Department of Natural Resources, and he's a candidate for Commissioner of Public Lands. Delana Jones



I hope your community is doing better than the “ok boomer” generational dismissive mess that has taken a hold on mainstream America. It’s pretty gross how each faction could not care less about the other.


Too bad the SECB is more concerned with scoring points with urbanites…

“Representation matters, and we want to see more Native Americans running shit at DNR, but he opposes saving legacy forests from the saw, and he’s taking timber money, so we’ll pass.”

Thank-you Patrick for your work within DNR - here’s to hoping you make it through the primary!


100% have my boat I wish the secb could look beyond their white suburban noses

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