State Senators Emily Randall and Joe Nguyễn feeling casual in a local small business. Courtesy of the Campaign



“She's the first queer state senator in Washington's history, and that fact wasn't just historic—it was monumental.”

They seem to have omitted the adjective, “female”:

“Calvin Bruce Anderson (May 2, 1948 – August 4, 1995) was an American military officer and politician who served as a member of the Washington State Senate, representing the 43rd district in 1995. A member of the Democratic Party, he previously served as a member of the Washington House of Representatives from 1987 to 1995, and was the first openly gay member of the Washington State Legislature.”


Glad to see the Stranger recognizing WA-06, Washington state, and our country all have bigger issues than just Palestine.


@1 The Stranger has not recognized that “WA-06, Washington state, and our country all have bigger issues than just Palestine” - this article is a “Guest Rant” by two members of the WA State Senate, not the Stranger reporters or editorial staff.


Not only did Cal Anderson precede Randall as a gay Senator, so did his successors, Ed Murray and Jamie Pedersen. Marko Liias, himself a gay legislator, was elected to the state Senate before Randall was.


@1 and @3 -- Thank you. I guess Marko was so delirious from repeating the word "queer" 7 times that he forgot himself.


This ‘gay = queer’ mindset is SO twentieth century…

Didn’t any of you get the memo?

Once it became ‘OK to Be Gay’ with marriage and shit, it lost its edge. ‘Gay’ isn’t special enough for some people, so there’s ‘queer’ for people who don’t have hetero sex, plus have some gender-fluid stuff going on…. or something…

Near as I can figure out, all queers are gay, but not all gays are queer? Or something?

Anyway, that’s why ‘gay Marko’ endorsing ‘queer Emily’ is a thing…. as though one senate Democrat wasn’t going to endorse another Senate Democrat anyway…

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