Guest Rant Sep 17, 2024 at 5:00 pm

A crash course on how Washington's schools are funded.

To understand the way to fully fund our schools equitably, you must understand The Big 5 Wheel. The People’s Big 5 Legislative Priorities to Fully Fund our Schools Campaign



The Stranger tryna do some damage control for the disastrous Seattle School Board candidates they endorsed, which are now engaging in austerity measures to close as many as 20 schools — tldr, mass school closings are Chicago-style failures that further drain staff, students and finances.

Will Stranger readers lean into saving the children, and will Olympia listen?


Fund charter schools.


@2 Suuuure. After an article about how education is underfunded, you support withdrawing more funds from public education into the exclusionary boondoggle that is charter schools. They don't have the mandate to provide education to everyone, and even if they are nonprofit they are often managed by for profits or utilize profit taking corporations. Charter schools exist to cut public schools and siphon public money into private hands. F that.


@3, I think Seattle has dodged the charter school bullet somewhat because the district offers a multitude of option schools - K-8s, alt high schools, immersion language learning, STEM, other programs…The districts proposal to standardize all schools removes that release valve and creates fertile ground for charters.

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