I, Anonymous Jul 10, 2024 at 3:30 pm
Steven Weissman



So, what you're saying is, you're never gonna dance again?


Great close!


This song you mention, Careless Whispers, was written by this guy with two first names. George Michael. It's like, Hey I cannot decide what my first name is so I will pretend like i I can't think of a last name so I'll put two stupid white guy first names together and then make a lot of stupid pop songs that a bunch of dummies will play and annoy people with. Cool. You can google the lyrics, terrible lyrics of course.
Adam Scott
Elton John
Matt Damon
Anderson Cooper
Ricky Martin
Amy Adams
Max George
Rachel Zoe
Sean William Scott (trifecta)
Kevin James
Peter Alexander
There are a billion others. Just a few examples.
It's funny, like, OK, I need to make up a fake name for myself, so I am way too lazy to think up one with a real first and last name so I'll just have two first names.
It's super stupid.

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