I, Anonymous Aug 7, 2024 at 3:00 pm
Steven Weissman



Big jealousy energy.


Listening to really long travel stories can be quite boring


1: Yes, and pouting isn't a good look.


Yeah, I can name one jealous person - come on, guess. Yes, let's stop traveling to those tourist spots, and when the cafes, activity vendors, and hotels shut down and the people lose their jobs, you can go mission accomplished.


"What’s impressive is the people who do the work, who build the communities that you dip your privilege-blessed toes into on your path toward enlightenment."

Based on the graphic attached to this story, I'd say those people vanished over a thousand years ago. In some cases, it took the European White Man to hack those temples out of the jungle. Where were their indigenous descendants in the meantime? Certainly not trimming the brush away from the foundations. So, I'm going in guilt-free.


I’m with you OP
It’s not jealousy.
And to no. 4, you make a fair point but I see tourism often as a false economy.


"I see you with you having a nicer car than me and a nicer house than me and a better job than me and posting all your fancy Instagram travel photos and... I mean, what about your CARBON FOOTPRINT? Have you ever thought of that? Huh, have you?!?"


ain't it Worth it
to see the children with
their faces pressed into the
razor-wire topped Chainlink fence

watching as
you stuff yourself
with 'just One more!'
helping of gelatinousness?

C'mon, man!
throw some small
Change at 'em! cheapskate!

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