Steve Weissman



I have a long-term friend who says "Drive like a human!" He'd be really upset if he thought I was being truthful when I say "you're a jerk."

It's just driving - our culture has a pathology about it.


I’ll never cease to be amazed at how people can justify such assholery. Seattle seems to be particularly good at it.


Late for his
Evangelical Meeting
in Celebration of Jesus' Life.

Jesus hasn't
got the Time for
Law-abiding Citizens

he's got
Himself an
eltrumpfster to get
deposited into our Whitehouse

& Time's
a' Wastin'.


Yeah, what she said.


Hmmmmm. There are laws about driving, and then there are social rules. My guess is you brought this upon yourself by driving poorly, blissed-out and thinking more about your "kiddo" than to the traffic and the driving happening all around you. The fact that you were surprised by the presence of the car behind you is evidence enough. If you want to listen to the birds and look at the beautiful scenery, pull over and stop the car.


Amen, @5. "Kiddo" is a credibility-killer. Demeaning language objectifying a child. And, indeed, driver was very likely tuned out, like so many Puget Sound drivers. Puget Sound, where every driving day is a Sunday. Pokey, pokey, which one's the gas again, Martha?

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