
I wouldnt mind if the only releases for the public were buy celebtrities. Means the righteous punks i identify with only play live for froends and family. Keep it real, the forgotten concept. Revolt against the rotten recording studio system
The site seems designed specifically to give you nightmares. After playing a few at random, I came to the conclusion that they don't seem much better.

Though it is available for free, or for any amount you'd prefer to donate to a very nice cause, so there is that.
playing a few tracks at random, I meant.
Vincent D'onofrio isn't just the star of the best Law & Order, he also costarred in the best post-apocalyptic sports movie ever: Blood of Heroes.
@4: not to mention Full Metal Jacket.
@5- That's pretty obscure Max, I don't know if people will recognize it.

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