
Massively popular Seattle hiphop duo Macklemore and Ryan Lewis

Massively popular they may be, but 500 Macklemore and Ryan Lewis duos (they would be cloned from the original) couldn't hold a candle to Kanye West. Wait, did I say 500? I meant 500 thousand. No, scratch that. Make it 500 million. No, fuck, forget about just those guys. All the duos (and bands and solo artists) currently alive -- and, for that matter, all who have ever existed -- combined, including Maklemore and Ryan Lewis, can't compare to the stunning genius that is Kanye West.
I'm glad I don't know anyone who cares. This dude's bullshit has been lame since before My Oh My. Too bad Dyme Def got fucked over by that stupid "Sex Tape" album.
Gooood... I can feel your hate swwweeling

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