

The first paragraph reminded me so much of my niece's experience when her oldest daughter was a toddler.

Just wait until she decides to have one of her melt downs in a busy grocery store, a library, or some other public place. Everyone's looking, making poor mom feel like she's doing something wrong even though she's a great mom. Meanwhile, the kid's trying to figure out how the world works and if tantrums are how you get the stuff you want when you're unable to ask for it.

You have an interesting time ahead of you, at least until she talks well enough to where you can reason with her a little bit. Until then, keep smiling and know that this too shall pass. Maybe not until they're 30 or so but eventually, lol.


So great that you decided to do that! I really believe that exposing kids to a wide variety of music not only is likely to lead to life-long love of music—but also aids brain development. Kudos for taking your daughter!

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